Online Navi3

Truck Map Online

You don’t know whe­ther a online-only truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on is the right solu­ti­on for your tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on? We have com­pi­led the most important infor­ma­ti­on for you in a decis­i­on aid.

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Truck Par­king

More than 20,000 truck par­king opti­ons listed in our GPS app — truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on and truck par­king search all in one app! Find out here how we imple­ment the important topic of par­king for truck dri­vers in MapTrip! 

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Online GPS Navigation

Install the app and start dri­ving imme­dia­te­ly! For­get about time-con­sum­ing copy­ing of huge road maps and tedious updates. Map­Trip Online makes life easier! Learn more here…

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GPS Truck Routes

New release of truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on with truck par­king, impro­ved inter­face and more accu­ra­te con­ge­sti­on avoidance.

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Rou­te Plan­ner App

With the Detour Edi­tor you can chan­ge truck attri­bu­tes stored in the map such as cle­ar­ance height & width yours­elf and prio­ri­ti­ze or avo­id roads.

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Emer­gen­cy — GPS Navigation

The fire depart­ment Wup­per­tal is using Map­Trip 112. Fire chief Dirk Schucka explains the advan­ta­ges com­pared to a regu­lar GPS navigation.

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9 min Button

New Release: Truck GPS SDK

The new SDK 9.0 is now available. With our new map data for­mat we can now redu­ce the map data size signi­fi­cant­ly. Read the chan­ge­log for more improvements. 

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Forest GPS

Some navi­ga­ti­on desti­na­ti­ons are not on public roads but on forest or field paths. Or they are not on any road at all, but in the midd­le of the ter­rain. With the navi­ga­ti­on app Map­Trip Fol­low­Me you can still reach such desti­na­ti­ons. How to show how it works.

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GPS Rou­te Planning

Send opti­mi­zed tours from the tour plan­ning direct­ly to the navi­ga­ti­on in the gar­ba­ge truck? Read how we imple­men­ted this in suc­cessful team­work bet­ween info­wa­re, gts Systems and Con­sul­ting gmbH and 3kb GmbH, and how the solu­ti­on makes ever­y­day work much easier for the dri­vers and dis­patchers of EGN mbh.

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