2022 05 30 15 42 21 Window

Map data

Map­Trip is the only pro­fes­sio­nal navi­ga­ti­on system that offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to draw in miss­ing roads and send them to the GPS navi­ga­ti­on system. Read more here…

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emergency gps

Emer­gen­cy GPS

Safe­tyCT has crea­ted a ful­ly com­pre­hen­si­ve ope­ra­tio­nal solu­ti­on for fire depart­ments with the help of the Map­Trip SDK. Deve­lo­ping your own emer­gen­cy GPS navi­ga­ti­on is easy with MapTrip’s deve­lo­per kit.

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AusschnittStrase zeichnen

New release Android Map­Trip 5.3

As the first pro­fes­sio­nal GPS navi­ga­ti­on you can add miss­ing roads to the map with Map­Trip. The­se new roads are direct­ly trans­fer­red to the Navi! Read more about the new fea­tures in Map­Trp 5.3 here…

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Screenshots MapTrip Tankstelle Tanken und Sparen 02 2 portrait ENG

Saving Fuel

Every pen­ny counts — Map­Trip Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on shows you the che­a­pest gas sta­ti­on along your route. 

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GPS Lon­gi­tu­de and Latitude

Remem­ber Lon­gi­tu­de and Lati­tu­de — about the dif­fi­cul­ty of remem­be­ring lon­gi­tu­de and lati­tu­de and how Obe­lix can help with that You would think that ever­yo­ne in a navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware com­pa­ny would be able to memo­ri­ze lon­gi­tu­de and lati­tu­de right away, even in their dreams. After all, this is the most fun­da­men­tal unit of infor­ma­ti­on in this […]

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GPS for Truck Routes

Tele­ma­tics experts like TIS GmbH from Bocholt rely on MapTrip’s inte­gra­ted truck navi­ga­ti­on. Read here what advan­ta­ges they have through the integration…

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GPS Truck Routing

In logi­stics, 10 to 50 stops are usual­ly made. This artic­le gives an over­view of the pos­si­bi­li­ties to enter tour lists into the Map­Trip GPS navi­ga­ti­on system and to dri­ve through them wit­hout the dri­ver having to type…

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Off­road GPS

If you need to deli­ver to places that are so remo­te that they are not shown on any map, Map­Trip Fol­low­Me is the right solu­ti­on for you here too! Read a cus­to­mer exam­p­le here…

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Final spurt — our trai­nees on the home stretch!

Our trai­nees are wri­ting their final the­sis. The demo appli­ca­ti­ons ser­ve as an exam­p­le for using the ser­ver API and will be available on Github.

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