Truck Map Online

Decis­i­on sup­port: Is online-only truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on right for tele­ma­tics applications?

The truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on Map­Trip Truck is now available as an online-only ver­si­on that does not requi­re bul­ky road maps on the device. So should every tele­ma­tics user switch to the new ver­si­on now? Here is some back­ground infor­ma­ti­on to help you decide.

For a quick overview

The func­tion­al scope of a pure online GPS navi­ga­ti­on is iden­ti­cal to a nor­mal GPS navi­ga­ti­on with local­ly stored road maps.

Online navi­ga­ti­on is much easier to dis­tri­bu­te to a lar­ge num­ber of devices becau­se the lar­ge road maps are miss­ing. For instal­la­ti­on, only an approx. 150MB instal­la­ti­on file has to be trans­fer­red to the devices.

Howe­ver, the online-only truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on works with an inter­net con­nec­tion (see below for details). The­r­e­fo­re, if you tra­vel a lot in are­as with poor inter­net con­nec­tion, you should choo­se the hybrid version.

If your truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on works purely online, make sure you have a sui­ta­ble mobi­le pho­ne con­tract so that the­re are no nasty sur­pri­ses in terms of costs. Here you can find more infor­ma­ti­on about data consumption.

Map updates no lon­ger play a role in both the online and hybrid ver­si­ons, becau­se the Navi always acce­s­ses the latest data on our ser­vers. The effort for map updates is the­r­e­fo­re not neces­sa­ry for both versions.

Detail­ed tech­ni­cal background

What is off­line navigation?

The old­ti­mers among the navis work as pure off­line navi­ga­ti­on. In this case, the navi­ga­ti­on device has no con­nec­tion to the out­side world and not­hing works wit­hout road maps stored local­ly on the navi­ga­ti­on device.

Truck Map Online

The map data is nee­ded for dis­play­ing, sear­ching for addres­ses and cal­cu­la­ting rou­tes. At some point, the maps beco­me out­da­ted and need to be updated. In the simp­lest case, only memo­ry cards need to be repla­ced for updating. On other devices, howe­ver, the road maps on the inter­nal memo­ry must first be dele­ted and then repla­ced. For lar­ge fleets with hundreds or even thou­sands of devices, this is a very time-con­sum­ing job!

What is online navigation?

An online navi­ga­ti­on does not requi­re local road maps, but loads all the neces­sa­ry data via the Internet.

Truck Map Online

An online navi does not cal­cu­la­te a rou­te its­elf but has this work done by a ser­ver. It requests the rou­te to the desti­na­ti­on via an Inter­net con­nec­tion and then down­loads the com­ple­te direc­tions. The road maps for dis­play are down­loa­ded as nee­ded and con­ti­nuous­ly rel­oa­ded while the vehic­le is on the road. Online navi­ga­ti­on can thus be ful­ly inte­gra­ted into a powerful backend with many func­tions. On the other hand, it requi­res an Inter­net con­nec­tion, at least to request directions.

What is hybrid navigation?

Hybrid navi­ga­ti­on is an online navi­ga­ti­on that addi­tio­nal­ly has road maps stored local­ly on the device.

Truck Map Online

In this con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, the local street maps ser­ve as a back­up in case direc­tions need to be star­ted at a loca­ti­on wit­hout an Inter­net con­nec­tion. To redu­ce data con­sump­ti­on, the hybrid navi­ga­tor also uses the local road maps for dis­play. All other func­tions are the same as for online navigation.

How high is the data con­sump­ti­on of an online truck navigation?

In online-only mode, the truck navi­ga­ti­on con­su­mes about 50% more data than the hybrid ver­si­on. With a mileage of 5.000km and a usa­ge time of 100h you can say a con­sump­ti­on of 270MB per month for the online ver­si­on as a rule of thumb.
By caching the loa­ded road data, the data con­sump­ti­on decrea­ses if a vehic­le moves fre­quent­ly in the same geo­gra­phi­cal area. A vehic­le that always tra­vels to new are­as will have a hig­her data consumption.