Rou­te Plan­ner App

Indi­vi­du­al rou­te plan­ning and GPS navigation

The same applies to rou­te plan­ning as to the tail­or-made suit. If you take indi­vi­du­al needs into account, you get the bet­ter rou­tes (or the nicer suit). Read here how you can cus­to­mi­ze your rou­te plan­ning and GPS navi­ga­ti­on with the Detour Editor.

Cor­rect miss­ing or incor­rect truck rest­ric­tion yourself

You trans­port extra-wide car­go and don’t want your dri­vers to get stuck in a high­way cons­truc­tion site? With the Detour Edi­tor, you can add your own truck width blocka­ge at such loca­ti­ons. Exi­sting truck clo­sures can also be edi­ted in the edi­tor. So don’t wait for the next map update, add miss­ing info yourself.

Edit or add truck cle­ar­ance heights, widths, load and weight limits or tun­nel codes with a mou­se click.

Route Planner App
Chan­ge wrong or miss­ing truck rest­ric­tions easi­ly yours­elf for rou­te plan­ning and GPS navigation.
Route Planner App
Add even a truck width blocka­ge at a high­way cons­truc­tion site that is too narrow..

The rou­tes are dif­fe­rent from what you wanted?

No rou­te plan­ning or navi­ga­ti­on can com­ple­te­ly replace local know­ledge. Becau­se even the best maps and the most sophi­sti­ca­ted algo­rith­ms can­not match the know­ledge of an expe­ri­en­ced dri­ver or dis­patcher acqui­red over deca­des. The Detour Edi­tor allo­ws you to use this expe­ri­ence in your indi­vi­du­al rou­te plan­ning and GPS navigation.

In rou­te plan­ning and GPS navi­ga­ti­on you can

  • Add miss­ing truck rest­ric­tions (length, width, height, weight, etc.)
  • Cor­rect incor­rect truck restrictions
  • Block/unblock or prioritize/avoid roads

Prio­ri­ti­ze or avo­id roads

The “Prio­ri­ti­ze and Avo­id” func­tions can be used to mark roads that are to be used more or less in the navi­ga­ti­on. Prio­ri­ti­zed roads then act like a magnet on rou­te plan­ning. Your vehic­les will incre­a­sing­ly use the­se roads instead of alter­na­ti­ve routes.

Route Planner App
Give your dri­vers direc­tions to the logi­stics depot.

For exam­p­le, you can defi­ne the pre­fer­red rou­te from a high­way exit to a logi­stics depot. To do this, you mark the desi­red rou­te from the free­way to the depot.

A turn-by-turn rule leads to detours?

Tur­ning regu­la­ti­ons regu­la­te traf­fic at inter­sec­tions and con­tain pro­hi­bi­ted dri­ving maneu­vers. Very often, left turns are pro­hi­bi­ted in order to avo­id inter­sec­ting traf­fic flows. Tho­se who still want to turn left often have to take a detour, which often leads through small side streets.

Route Planner App
Cor­rec­ted turn-by-turn direc­tions. Shorter rou­te in plan­ning and navigation

Route Planner App

Despi­te all the per­fec­tion of road maps, it unfort­u­n­a­te­ly hap­pens again and again that such see­mingly small details are incor­rect­ly recor­ded in the maps. In the vici­ni­ty of our office in Bonn, the­re is an exam­p­le of how a turn rest­ric­tion that does not exist in rea­li­ty can lead to com­pli­ca­ted detours.

Syn­chro­ni­ze map edits with the GPS navigation

The ente­red map impro­ve­ments are syn­chro­ni­zed by the edi­tor direct­ly with your GPS navi­ga­ti­on. Your chan­ges are then only visi­ble to your own GPS navi­ga­ti­ons and of cour­se no one else can chan­ge the maps of your GPS navigation.

Iden­ti­cal rou­tes in plan­ning and GPS navigation

The map chan­ges you enter affect rou­te plan­ning and GPS navi­ga­ti­on at the same time. No mat­ter whe­ther you made the indi­vi­du­al rou­te plan­ning in the Detour Edi­tor, make a rou­te request via the Ser­ver API or enter the cor­re­spon­ding desti­na­ti­on in GPS Navi­ga­ti­on, you will always get the same route!

Deve­lo­per interface

To ensu­re that map chan­ges can also be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly trans­fer­red to rou­te plan­ning and GPS navi­ga­ti­on, deve­lo­pers can also trans­fer their chan­ges auto­ma­ti­cal­ly via the Map­Trip Ser­ver API. This way, even lar­ge num­bers of chan­ges can be trans­fer­red quick­ly and regu­lar­ly from third-par­ty systems.

If you would like to know how to use Detour Edi­tor for your tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­ons, we will be hap­py to advi­se you. We are loo­king for­ward to your message.

How can I use Detour in my GPS navi and rou­te planning?

The Detour road map editing fea­ture is an add-on func­tion of our navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware Map­Trip. Whe­ther you use Map­Trip Truck for logi­stics, Map­Trip 112 for fire­fight­ing or the Map­Trip Ser­ver API, Detour is an optio­nal fea­ture that you can add at any time.