GPS Truck Routes

New release of Map­Trip truck GPS navigation

Map­Trip Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on is now available in a new ver­si­on. We have listed the most important inno­va­tions here.

Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on — Truck par­king spaces as POIs 

We have intro­du­ced three types of truck par­king spaces that can be dis­play­ed on the map in the Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on and inser­ted along the route.

Green truck par­king lots: Simp­le par­king lots on the high­way wit­hout spe­cial facilities.

Oran­ge truck par­king: Rest stops on the high­way with gas sta­ti­on, par­king and com­fort offers.

Red truck par­king: Car yards off the high­way with com­fort facilities

In Companion_Traffic, one of the two dif­fe­rent screen views in the Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on the next truck par­king spaces along the rou­te is displayed.

GPS Truck Routes
Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on with truck par­king spaces 

Search for non-nume­ric hou­se numbers

It is now also pos­si­ble to search hou­se num­ber like “1A”.

Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on Inter­face (MTI): func­tion to show and hide a POI layer.

MTI is the inter­face of the Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on App. With the new func­tion Poi.showPOILayer() all POIs of a lay­er can be shown or hid­den at once. Pre­vious­ly, only indi­vi­du­al POIs could be added or removed.

Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on Inter­face (MTI): New call­back when POI is clicked in the map

MTI is the inter­face of the Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on app. When the user clicks on a POI of a lay­er added via MTI in the map, the call­back PoiListener.onPoiClicked() is cal­led. As a result the name of the lay­er and the name of the POI is returned.

Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on Inter­face (MTI): New tour handling

MTI is the inter­face of the Map­Trip navi­ga­ti­on app. In Map­Trip, mul­ti­ple desti­na­ti­ons can be added to a tour. It is also pos­si­ble to skip the next desti­na­ti­on within the app. Examp­les of this are that the desti­na­ti­on may have beco­me obso­le­te in the mean­ti­me or may not be reacha­ble with the vehic­le. Until now, this func­tion­a­li­ty was only available within Map­Trip and is now pro­vi­ded via MTI.

GPS Truck Routes

After pas­sing desti­na­ti­ons (see Navi­ga­ti­on class), the rou­te can be star­ted with the new Navigation.startTour() func­tion via tour hand­ling. Indi­vi­du­al points can also be mark­ed as VIA points here as usu­al. The next desti­na­ti­on can be skip­ped using the new Navigation.skipNextDestination() function.

Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on Inter­face (MTI): cal­cu­la­te rou­te with via points, then dri­ve off as refe­rence route

The refe­rence rou­te is a func­tion that can be used to spe­ci­fy an exact rou­te cour­se. In some cases the dis­patcher does not want to lea­ve the exact rou­te to the algo­rithm of the navi­ga­ti­on or the rou­te plan­ner. Instead, the rou­te can be spe­ci­fi­ed exact­ly with via points. This so-cal­led refe­rence rou­te can be given to Map­Trip for desti­na­ti­on guidance.

GPS Truck Routes

The usu­al via point func­tions in other navi­ga­ti­on systems have a signi­fi­cant dis­ad­van­ta­ge if the rou­te is devia­ted from and a via point is missed. Other navi­ga­ti­on systems then try to reach the via point after all. This leads to unrea­li­stic detours.

MapTrip’s refe­rence rou­te func­tion, on the other hand, cal­cu­la­tes a rea­sonable rou­te to the desti­na­ti­on when devia­ting from the route.

After pas­sing desti­na­ti­ons (see Navi­ga­ti­on class), the rou­te can be mark­ed as refe­rence rou­te using the new Navigation.setAsReferenceRoute() func­tion. Desti­na­ti­on gui­dance is then star­ted with Navigation.startNavigation().

Fol­low­Me: GPS Navi­ga­ti­on to Fol­low­Me rou­te with traf­fic information

Fol­low­Me is a func­tion of Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on for fol­lo­wing pre­de­fi­ned, com­plex rou­tes. Fol­low­Me is main­ly used in the are­as of waste manage­ment (coll­ec­tion of hou­se­hold waste) and street clea­ning as well as in win­ter road main­ten­an­ce. But Fol­low­Me is also used in logi­stics, e.g. to mark the way across an undi­gi­ti­zed com­pa­ny site or through the forest.

GPS Truck Routes

When a Fol­low­Me rou­te is cal­led in Map­Trip, the navi­ga­ti­on first cal­cu­la­tes a nor­mal rou­te to the start of the Fol­low­Me rou­te. As of the new Ver­si­on of Map­Trip, traf­fic infor­ma­ti­on is now also taken into account for this approach rou­te. This was not pos­si­ble in older versions.

Traf­fic mes­sa­ges: Traf­fic jam is dis­play­ed in the GPS navi­ga­ti­on even off the route

Map­Trip uses up-to-the-minu­te traf­fic data to always find the fastest rou­te to the desti­na­ti­on. If the­re is a traf­fic jam on the high­way, this can lead to the rou­te lea­ving the high­way in order to avo­id the traf­fic jam on the coun­try road. At the next junc­tion, the rou­te may then imme­dia­te­ly return to the highway.

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Sin­ce older Map­Trip ver­si­ons did not show con­ge­sti­on infor­ma­ti­on on the map, some dri­vers were irri­ta­ted becau­se of such see­mingly unmo­ti­va­ted “detours”. Start­ing with new ver­si­on, Map­Trip the­r­e­fo­re shows con­ge­sti­on situa­tions as roads mark­ed in red in the Companion_Map as well. For this we use the cur­rent Traf­fic Flow infor­ma­ti­on from the pro­vi­ders Tom­Tom or Here. The dis­play cor­re­sponds to the red flow ele­ments from the Companion_Traffic.

Plea­se note that the­re is not a cor­re­spon­ding traf­fic mes­sa­ge with icon for each red flow ele­ment. The colo­red flow ele­ments repre­sent mea­su­red dri­ving speeds on a road seg­ment. The traf­fic icons are only dis­play­ed for edi­to­ri­al traf­fic mes­sa­ges (e.g. “traf­fic jam” or “acci­dent”). The­se are dif­fe­rent data sources, so they are not always congruent.

Traf­fic mes­sa­ges: Dis­play of the delay on the route

The navi­ga­ti­on should pro­vi­de its dri­ver with opti­mal infor­ma­ti­on about the traf­fic situa­ti­on on his rou­te at all times. Despi­te the use of the latest traf­fic data, delays on the rou­te can­not be avoided.

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The cur­rent delay on the rou­te is dis­play­ed under the Traf­fic but­ton. The value is updated every 5 minu­tes. By clicking on the but­ton, the user goes direct­ly to the dis­play of traf­fic messages.

Plea­se note that the list of traf­fic mes­sa­ges may well be emp­ty, alt­hough a delay is dis­play­ed for the rou­te. This is not an error, but occurs when the­re is gene­ral­ly hea­vy traf­fic, e.g. during rush hour.

Detour: Prio­ri­ti­ze or Avo­id Roads

Detour is a func­tion for editing the map data. With the Detour Edi­tor or with the Ser­ver API, roads can be locked or unlocked. In navi­ga­ti­on and rou­te plan­ning the chan­ges are taken into account. With the cur­rent ver­si­on, the ran­ge of func­tions has been expan­ded. Roads can now be prio­ri­ti­zed or mark­ed as to be avo­ided. Addi­tio­nal­ly, exi­sting truck attri­bu­tes can be edi­ted or miss­ing attri­bu­tes can be added.

GPS Truck Routes

The func­tions are hel­pful to add local con­di­ti­ons, which are not inclu­ded in the stan­dard road maps, for your own use case.

Roads can be mark­ed as to be avo­ided or prio­ri­ti­zed. They are then used less or more fre­quent­ly by the rou­ting algo­rithm accordingly.

For exam­p­le, pre­fer­red rou­tes to a logi­stics cen­ter can be mark­ed in this way.

Detour: Edit truck restrictions

Truck attri­bu­tes are now dis­play­ed in the Detour edi­tor. On mou­se-over, the cor­re­spon­ding road seg­ment is high­ligh­ted in red. Clicking on the attri­bu­te opens the dia­log for editing.

GPS Truck Routes
GPS Truck Routes

Plea­se note that the posi­ti­on of the truck sym­bol on the map does not reflect the exact posi­ti­on of e.g. the bridge or the tun­nel ent­rance. Rather, it is the cen­ter of the affec­ted road segment.

Admi­ni­stra­ti­on: Update navi­ga­ti­on maps via Map­Trip Manager

Map­Trip Mana­ger is a new web appli­ca­ti­on that can be used to con­fi­gu­re Map­Trip. Among other things, new map releases can be made available for Map­Trip instal­la­ti­ons for auto­ma­tic download.

GPS Truck Routes

In the screen­shot you can see that this Map­Trip instal­la­ti­on curr­ent­ly has map data from Here, Release 2021Q1 of Ger­ma­ny. The next time it is used, the Map­Trip will sug­gest an update to Here Release 2021Q3 and also down­load map data of Switz­er­land and Austria.

Admi­ni­stra­ti­on: Allow map down­load only via WLAN

When down­loa­ding map data in Map­Trip, a lar­ge volu­me of data may be requi­red depen­ding on the size of the country.


OnlyAllowDownloadWithWiFi=true (default=false)

In order to pro­tect the data volu­me of the mobi­le inter­net, espe­ci­al­ly in case of plan­ned updates of the map data on deli­ver­ed devices, it is pos­si­ble that map down­loads can only be star­ted when con­nec­ted to a WLAN. The fol­lo­wing Settings.ini ent­ry must be obser­ved for this purpose.