
Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.7 / SDK 9.7

Map­Trip 5.7: Opti­mal Navi­ga­ti­on for Emer­gen­cy Services

The new ver­si­on of Map­Trip 5.7 offers spe­cial fea­tures for poli­ce, fire depart­ments, and emer­gen­cy medi­cal ser­vices. Impro­ve­ments in map down­loads, pede­stri­an paths, and the Detour func­tion ensu­re relia­ble navi­ga­ti­on. Nota­b­ly, the new Gps.setPosition fea­ture enables an opti­mal start even wit­hout a GPS signal.

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DIVERA 24/7 with emer­gen­cy routes

With the latest inte­gra­ti­on, users of the DIVERA 24/7 Alarm Moni­tor can now easi­ly inte­gra­te pre­cise emer­gen­cy rou­tes from Map­Trip into their system. This enables emer­gen­cy ser­vices to obtain all rele­vant key data of their ope­ra­ti­on at a glan­ce befo­re depar­tu­re. The alarm moni­tor thus ensu­res that the emer­gen­cy ser­vices are opti­mal­ly infor­med and prepared.

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Map­Trip Map-Tiles

Map­Trip Map-Tiles: The opti­mal solu­ti­on for all tho­se who work with web map­ping APIs such as Leaf­let, Open­Lay­ers or Goog­le Maps, but need pro­fes­sio­nal map data and ser­vices for truck rou­ting. Read here ever­ything important at a glance.

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Map­Trip Fol­low­Me — now with spe­cial announce­ments for win­ter ser­vices and street cleaning.

The updated ver­si­on of our spe­cial GPS navi­ga­ti­on Map­Trip Fol­low­Me now also has cus­to­mi­zed func­tions and ins­truc­tions for win­ter ser­vice and street cleaning!

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New Release — Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6

In the chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6 you will find all chan­ges of the new release. Such as the speed limit depen­ding on the vehic­le pro­fi­le and the aboli­ti­on of Com­pa­gnion Traf­fic. Read more here… 

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Chan­ge­log Map­Trip Detour Editor

New Ver­si­on of the Map­Trip Detour Edi­tor. The web appli­ca­ti­on makes it easy to cus­to­mi­ze map data, such as dra­wing and adding new roads, blocking or unblocking roads, and editing and crea­ting truck clo­sures (length, width, height, etc.).

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Fire depart­ment ope­ra­ti­on — The GPS navi­ga­ti­on that fire depart­ments trust

A field report from Söff­ker Elek­tro­nik Bar­sing­hau­sen (SEB) using Map­Trip 112 — GPS Navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware quick­ly and direct­ly con­trol­led from the con­trol center.

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Verkehr rot

New release GPS Navi­ga­ti­on App 5.5 / SDK 9.5

New Android Map­Trip Release 5.5 / SDK 9.5. Read more here…

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New Release GPS Navi­ga­ti­on App 5.4 / SDK 9.4

New Android Map­Trip Release 5.4 / SDK 9.4. You can inte­gra­te GPS navi­ga­ti­on into your own app in just one day with the new Quick Ui. Read more.…

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