Smartphone mit Screenshot scaled

How to share the navi­ga­ti­on screen with ano­ther app

In many use cases, it is neces­sa­ry to addi­tio­nal­ly dis­play infor­ma­ti­on from your own app to the dri­ver during navi­ga­ti­on. For this pur­po­se, Map­Trip has a screen sha­ring setting.

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inonic integration Moment

Inte­gra­te GPS

A cus­to­mer cont­ac­ted us and asked if he could inte­gra­te our GPS navi­ga­ti­on app Map­Trip in his Ionic app. His app mana­ges a list of addres­ses which a truck needs to visit in a given order. We did a litt­le bit of rese­arch and then gave our trai­nee Hen­drik the task of buil­ding a demo app. 

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home block 1 push 3 1

GPS app with two navi­ga­ti­on screens

Are you loo­king for a truck navi­ga­ti­on and a traf­fic app? Why not try Map­Trip Truck. It com­bi­nes both.

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Hinweiszeichen 1a

GPS Par­king

For our truck GPS nav Map­Trip Truck, we loo­ked for the best data on truck par­king. We loo­ked at data from Tom­Tom and Here, as well as try­ing out a who­le ran­ge of apps.

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Intent Interface MapTrip Navigation

GPS App for Android

Using Intents it is very easy to start Map­Trip navi­ga­ti­on from your own app. In the video we explain a demo appli­ca­ti­on that we pro­vi­de in our Git­Hub account. 

Learn more GPS Navigation MapTrip fur den Winterdienst am Flughafen Leipzig Halle  Moment2

GPS Voice

We show how a navi­ga­ti­on system with its voice helps a dri­ver to master dif­fi­cult dri­ving tasks, e.g. snow clea­ring or waste disposal.

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Comparison Reference route vs FollowMe

How to send an opti­mi­zed rou­te to a GPS app

How the right navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware can help to opti­mi­ze rou­tes. You have opti­mi­zed a tour or a rou­te for a vehic­le to fol­low. Then you hand your per­fect rou­te over to a navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware and all is gone! Map­Trip has two solutions. 

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SMS starts Navigation Moment2

GPS Text Message

We have deve­lo­ped a demo app that shows how to start a navi­ga­ti­on with an SMS. In the video, our Android expert Dani­el explains how to do this with Map­Trip API.

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Screenshot Companion Traffic LKW Parkplaetze portrait

Truck GPS App for Android

Navi­ga­ti­on App Map­Trip 4.11 with maps from Tom­Tom, Here and OSM. The new ver­si­on 4.11 of our navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware Map­Trip is now available. Read more about what is new and improved.

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