MapTrip GPS for Truckers

Professional GPS-Navigation For Your Industry

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GPS for Truckers

MapTrip Truck is the GPS for Truckers and contains the most current traffic information and considers your truck's dimensions. The GPS for Truckers uses the best map providers and maps with truck attributes.

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Waste Management

MapTrip FollowMe is specialized GPS app for waste management, street cleaning and similar applications.

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Fire Departments

MapTrip 112 is a GPS app for Fire Departments and Police. It connects to your command center and allows editing the maps.

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GPS Navigation for Developers

MapTrip is not only a GPS for Truckers but also designed for professional developers. That is why MapTrip is available as an easy to use app with interface and as a Software Development Kit (SDK). So for every requirement there is a perfect solution to integrate the GPS into your environment.

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Easy to use and fully featured - MapTrip GPS for Truckers

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Integrate and customize GPS features into your software

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Truck route planning and communication with GPS navigation


Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.7 / SDK 9.7

Map­Trip 5.7: Opti­mal Navi­ga­ti­on for Emer­gen­cy Services

The new ver­si­on of Map­Trip 5.7 offers spe­cial fea­tures for poli­ce, fire depart­ments, and emer­gen­cy medi­cal ser­vices. Impro­ve­ments in map down­loads, pede­stri­an paths, and the Detour func­tion ensu­re relia­ble navi­ga­ti­on. Nota­b­ly, the new Gps.setPosition fea­ture enables an opti­mal start even wit­hout a GPS signal.

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DIVERA 24/7 with emer­gen­cy routes

With the latest inte­gra­ti­on, users of the DIVERA 24/7 Alarm Moni­tor can now easi­ly inte­gra­te pre­cise emer­gen­cy rou­tes from Map­Trip into their system. This enables emer­gen­cy ser­vices to obtain all rele­vant key data of their ope­ra­ti­on at a glan­ce befo­re depar­tu­re. The alarm moni­tor thus ensu­res that the emer­gen­cy ser­vices are opti­mal­ly infor­med and prepared.

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Map­Trip Map-Tiles

Map­Trip Map-Tiles: The opti­mal solu­ti­on for all tho­se who work with web map­ping APIs such as Leaf­let, Open­Lay­ers or Goog­le Maps, but need pro­fes­sio­nal map data and ser­vices for truck rou­ting. Read here ever­ything important at a glance.

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Map­Trip Fol­low­Me — now with spe­cial announce­ments for win­ter ser­vices and street cleaning.

The updated ver­si­on of our spe­cial GPS navi­ga­ti­on Map­Trip Fol­low­Me now also has cus­to­mi­zed func­tions and ins­truc­tions for win­ter ser­vice and street cleaning!

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New Release — Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6

In the chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6 you will find all chan­ges of the new release. Such as the speed limit depen­ding on the vehic­le pro­fi­le and the aboli­ti­on of Com­pa­gnion Traf­fic. Read more here… 

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Chan­ge­log Map­Trip Detour Editor

New Ver­si­on of the Map­Trip Detour Edi­tor. The web appli­ca­ti­on makes it easy to cus­to­mi­ze map data, such as dra­wing and adding new roads, blocking or unblocking roads, and editing and crea­ting truck clo­sures (length, width, height, etc.).

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PMREx­po, Novem­ber 26–28, 2024

Also in 2024 we will be pre­sent at the PMR Expo in Colo­gne again.

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