
Our Frame­work for GPS app — Map­Trip Remote

In our new tele­ma­tics frame­work Map­Trip Remo­te we have com­bi­ned GPS app, ser­ver and web to a new who­le, so that you can use the func­tion­a­li­ty of Map­Trip even more easi­ly: In the new brow­ser appli­ca­ti­on, you can not only fol­low the posi­ti­ons of the navi­ga­ti­on devices live, but also dis­play their cur­rent rou­tes and the traf­fic situa­ti­on. The cal­cu­la­ted arri­val time is also dis­play­ed. In addi­ti­on, indi­vi­du­al desti­na­ti­ons, stop lists and even com­plex rou­tes can be sent to the indi­vi­du­al navi­ga­ti­on devices.

Map­Trip Remo­te pro­vi­des the enti­re soft­ware for your tele­ma­tics infrastructure

Map­Trip Remo­te Edi­tor as part of our tele­ma­tics framework.

In a pro­fes­sio­nal tele­ma­tics envi­ron­ment, a GPS app is usual­ly not used as a stand-alo­ne system but as an inte­gra­ted part of exten­si­ve soft­ware in the tele­ma­tics infras­truc­tu­re. We have deve­lo­ped Map­Trip Remo­te pre­cis­e­ly for this sce­na­rio. The fol­lo­wing func­tions can now be used wit­hout pro­gramming effort:

  • Live track­ing with traf­fic information
  • Show cur­rent rou­te of navigation
  • Show arri­val time
  • Trans­fer Navi­ga­ti­on Destination
  • Trans­fer stop list
  • Opti­mi­ze stop list
  • Design and trans­fer an indi­vi­du­al route

Map­Trip Remo­te thus pro­vi­des the basic func­tions of a turn­key navi­ga­ti­on system and is easy to inte­gra­te into a Tele­ma­tics infrastructure.

What are the advan­ta­ges for your Tele­ma­tics infrastructure?

The­se are some of the main fea­tures you can add to your tele­ma­tics envi­ro­m­ent with Map­Trip Remo­te:

  • Remo­te con­trol of Map­Trip navi­ga­ti­on from the web browser. 
  • Send desti­na­ti­ons, tours or refe­rence rou­tes to a mobi­le device. 
  • Query ETAs from the end device. 
  • Per­form sequence opti­mizati­on of mul­ti­ple addres­ses and send them to a device. 
  • Live view of the vehic­les on the map. 
  • Rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on based on indi­vi­du­al vehic­le pro­fi­le (truck routing).
  • Available as brow­ser appli­ca­ti­on or as Java­Script API.

Why inte­gra­te Map­Trip Remo­te into your Tele­ma­tics infrastructure?

It is the Tele­ma­tics frame­work that allo­ws you to main­tain an over­view at all times: Whe­re is a par­ti­cu­lar vehic­le and when will it reach its destination? 

  • Having to pho­ne after the dri­vers is a thing of the past. 
  • Being able to react fle­xi­bly and easi­ly to chan­ges in destination. 
  • Cost-saving and effi­ci­ent navi­ga­ti­on through sequence optimization. 
  • Simp­le, under­stan­da­ble user interface. 
  • The simp­le solu­ti­on for your tele­ma­tics for vehic­le con­trol via navigation. 
  • Com­ple­te web appli­ca­ti­on or can be inte­gra­ted into your own web appli­ca­ti­on via IFrame. 
  • Or design as part of a tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on with Map­Trip MapA­PI      (Java­Script API).

Pre­cise Rou­te Planning 

You can also use Map­Trip Remo­te for Rou­te plan­ning. Based on the cur­rent traf­fic situa­ti­on or wit­hout traf­fic. With the exact depar­tu­re time. Start from address or Start from sel­ec­ted device. Pre­cise and up-to-date rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments. Map­Trip Remo­te as a Rou­te Plan­ner is a ide­al com­ple­ment for your Tele­ma­tics infrastructure. 

Truck Rou­ting

Our Tele­ma­tics frame­work comes with the Remo­te Edi­tor, an web appli­ca­ti­on that can be used direct­ly in the web brow­ser. Here you can crea­te your own Truck Pro­fi­le. With the exact vehic­le parameters: 

  • Length, width, height, weight. 
  • Num­ber of axles and axle load. 
  • Dan­ger class. 
  • Only roads sui­ta­ble for the sel­ec­ted vehic­le para­me­ters and hazard class are taken into account in the rou­te calculation.
Map­Trip Remo­te is the ide­al com­ple­ment for your tele­ma­tics infras­truc­tu­re. Here you see how to add Truck Profiles. 

Wide ran­ge of applications

Map­Trip Remo­te is a tele­ma­tics frame­work and inclu­des the GPS app Map­Trip on the mobi­le device (from ver­si­on 4.9), a Java­Script API and a brow­ser application.

The­re are now three easy to use alter­na­ti­ves for remo­te navi­ga­ti­on control:

  1. The Map­Trip Remo­te web appli­ca­ti­on, to be ope­ra­ted via the Map­Trip Remo­te Editor.
  2. The web appli­ca­ti­on can be inte­gra­ted into own web appli­ca­ti­ons via iFrame.

To deve­lop own tele­ma­tics application

Use the func­tions of Map­Trip MapA­PI. The Map­Trip Java­Script API con­ta­ins com­for­ta­ble func­tions for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with the navi­ga­ti­on. This makes it easy to deve­lop your own Tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on and design as part of tele­ma­tics application. 

Map­Trip Remo­te pro­vi­des the enti­re soft­ware for your tele­ma­tics infrastructure!

You can find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about out Tele­ma­tics frame­work plus video on the Map­Trip Remo­te Web­site or cont­act us directly!

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