Chan­ge­log Map­Trip Detour Editor

Novem­ber 2023

Vehic­le pro­fi­le acti­va­ti­on is now acce­s­si­ble through the settings

You can now enable or disable the vehic­le pro­fi­le in the settings.

The input fields come pre-fil­led with default values and can be over­writ­ten with your own measurements.


If a vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, it is used for rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on for every vehic­le type.

Acti­va­ti­on of Emer­gen­cy rou­ting = acti­va­ti­on of the vehic­le type car

This is one of the most signi­fi­cant updates to the Detour Edi­tor. Acti­vat­ing Emer­gen­cy rou­ting now auto­ma­ti­cal­ly acti­va­tes GPS navi­ga­ti­on in car mode. In other words, Truck rou­ting is now auto­ma­ti­cal­ly deac­ti­va­ted in emer­gen­cy routing.

This allo­ws all roads to be con­side­red for rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on in Emer­gen­cy rou­ting, even tho­se with a gene­ral truck rest­ric­tion based on road type.

Howe­ver, real limi­ta­ti­ons such as road width, which also app­ly to emer­gen­cy vehic­les, still exist.

To ensu­re that vehic­le dimen­si­ons are still con­side­red in Emer­gen­cy rou­ting, you can use your indi­vi­du­al vehic­le profile.

When a vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, your dimen­si­ons, such as vehic­le width, will also be con­side­red in rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on in car routing.

Show Truck restrictions

With this but­ton, you can dis­play or hide the truck rest­ric­tions on the map.

This func­tion does not affect the route.

If a vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, the dimen­si­on rest­ric­tions (height, width, weight, etc.) will be con­side­red during rou­te calculation.


Show Truck Rest­ric­tions (Resi­dents only)

With this but­ton, you can dis­play or hide truck rest­ric­tions for all truck-resi­dents-only roads on the map.

This func­tion does not affect the route.

If a vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, the dimen­si­on rest­ric­tions (height, width, weight, etc.) will be con­side­red during rou­te calculation.


Dele­ting Time Rest­ric­tions on Seg­ments – Per­ma­nent­ly Active

For seg­ments with a spe­ci­fi­ed time rest­ric­tion, such as from Tues­day 08:00 to Thurs­day 18:00, the­re is now an opti­on to effort­less­ly remo­ve this time rest­ric­tion by clicking on the new trash bin icon. This action per­ma­nent­ly acti­va­tes the respec­ti­ve segment.

Plea­se note, as with any chan­ges to seg­ments, dou­ble saving is requi­red to con­firm the modi­fi­ca­ti­ons made.



Here, we rei­te­ra­te the terms and func­tions of the new Detour Edi­tor, allo­wing the crea­ti­on and editing of detours, among other features.

All acti­va­tions in the edi­tor (Emer­gen­cy rou­ting, Truck­rou­ting, vehic­le pro­fi­le) only affect the editor’s func­tion­a­li­ty and have no impact on the end devices. The­se set­tings must be made direct­ly on the end devices.


Emer­gen­cy Rou­ting: In an adjusta­ble radi­us, e.g., 100m or 1,000m, around a desti­na­ti­on, rest­ric­tions such as turn requi­re­ments and one-way street regu­la­ti­ons are lifted in Emer­gen­cy rou­ting mode. The approach to the desti­na­ti­on can thus be made against the direc­tion of tra­vel on the last mile. Excep­ti­ons include tun­nels and roads with phy­si­cal­ly sepa­ra­ted car­ri­a­ge­ways. In addi­ti­on, voice ins­truc­tions during rou­te gui­dance are adapt­ed to hig­her emer­gen­cy vehic­le speeds.

Truck Rou­ting: In truck rou­ting, all gene­ral rest­ric­tions for trucks spe­ci­fi­ed in the map data based on road type are con­side­red. Rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on in truck rou­ting con­siders the afo­re­men­tio­ned truck rest­ric­tions. Dimen­si­on rest­ric­tions (height, width, weight, length, axle load) are obser­ved when the vehic­le pro­fi­le is activated.

Show Truck Rest­ric­tions: With this but­ton, you can dis­play or hide truck rest­ric­tions on the map. This func­tion does not affect the rou­te. If a vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, dimen­si­on rest­ric­tions are considered.

Show Truck Rest­ric­tions (Resi­dents only): With this but­ton, you can dis­play or hide truck rest­ric­tions for truck-resi­dents-only roads on the map. This has no impact on rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on, and the rest­ric­tions con­ti­n­ue to be con­side­red when a vehic­le pro­fi­le is activated.

Vehic­le Pro­fi­le: Here, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enter the indi­vi­du­al dimen­si­ons of your vehic­le. When the vehic­le pro­fi­le is acti­va­ted, it is used in rou­te calculation.

Exam­p­le: If the­re is a height rest­ric­tion of 3m on a road, with truck rou­ting acti­va­ted wit­hout a vehic­le pro­fi­le, the rou­te goes through.

With the vehic­le pro­fi­le acti­va­ted and a vehic­le height of 3.1m, the road is avo­ided in both car and truck routing.

Map Update: After a map update, this but­ton checks your seg­ments to ensu­re they still match the new map data. If cor­rec­tions are neces­sa­ry, you will recei­ve a notification.

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