New Release — Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6

Novem­ber 2023


Win­ter ser­vice and street cleaning 

Fol­low­Me has been expan­ded to include addi­tio­nal actions that make it easy for you to tail­or the ins­truc­tions to the spe­ci­fic needs of win­ter main­ten­an­ce and street clea­ning. For exam­p­le, the Coll­ect but­ton has now been expan­ded to include the Swee­ping, Clea­ring, Spre­a­ding and Spray­ing actions.


The new func­tions are also available in the Fol­low­Me edi­tor and can be ente­red in the route.


Push Ser­vice

Fol­low­Me rou­tes and Detour locks are now syn­chro­ni­zed in real time while Map­Trip is run­ning. In prac­ti­ce, this means that the update of your Fol­low­Me rou­tes and your Detour locks is available imme­dia­te­ly after editing and provisioning.

Impro­ved Map Matching

Our map matching has been fun­da­men­tal­ly revi­sed. In addi­ti­on to GPS, other sen­sor data from the device is now also used for posi­tio­ning. This results in bet­ter, faster rerouting.

Speed limits depen­ding on the vehicle

The speed limits rela­ted to the vehic­le pro­fi­le are now dis­play­ed during navigation.


Fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment Detour

The new geo­metries pro­vi­ded by the ser­ver some­ti­mes did not match the app’s local map data. Now the app adds the new geo­me­try and splits the ori­gi­nal roads auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. This redu­ces con­flicts enorm­ously. Known con­flicts were unex­pec­ted gaps in the road net­work and unex­pec­ted off­line rou­ting problems.

Good Bye Com­pa­n­ion Traffic

Com­pa­n­ion Traf­fic has been an inte­gral part of our app for a long time. Sin­ce some Map­Trip ver­si­ons now dis­play important infor­ma­ti­on during rou­te gui­dance (petrol sta­ti­ons, truck par­king lots, delays on the rou­te) in the Com­pa­n­ion Map, we have deci­ded to dis­con­ti­n­ue Com­pa­n­ion Traffic.

This will enable us to offer new fea­tures more easi­ly in future on the basis of a lea­ner appli­ca­ti­on. In the cour­se of this deve­lo­p­ment, the per­for­mance of the app was improved.

3D models Direc­to­ry structure

The 3D models and the cor­re­spon­ding PNG images are now in the folder


Avo­i­ding resi­den­ti­al streets Make it pos­si­ble to switch off

Resi­den­ti­al streets are nor­mal­ly avo­ided by Map­Trip. Howe­ver, a user in the BOS envi­ron­ment reque­sted that resi­den­ti­al streets be trea­ted as nor­mal streets in the rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on. This can result in shorter and more direct rou­tes, which can be advan­ta­ge­ous depen­ding on the local deve­lo­p­ment and road network.

This is cer­tain­ly not useful in every area, but it allo­ws Map­Trip to be bet­ter adapt­ed to the local area of use. For this rea­son, the avo­id­ance of resi­den­ti­al streets can now be deac­ti­va­ted via Settings.ini.



Map­Trip Manager

The hand­ling of device groups in the Map­Trip Mana­ger has been signi­fi­cant­ly improved.


Num­e­rous new func­tions have been crea­ted for the ser­ver API. See

Map­Trip SDK

Important exten­si­ons and chan­ges in the SDK:

  • New func­tion Api::useMapData Acti­va­tes or deac­ti­va­tes the usa­ge of the map data. This is useful, if you like to exch­an­ge the map data during run­time. If the usa­ge is deac­ti­va­ted, a cur­rent rou­te gui­dance will be stop­ped and ALL refe­ren­ces to SDK objects, except for Map­view­ers , e.g. navi­ga­ti­on, itin­er­ari­es, way­po­ints or itera­tors are inva­lid! Cal­ling methods on the­se object will result in the error­code ApiError.INVALID_OBJECT Also if the SDK is re-initia­li­zed all exi­sting object refe­ren­ces will return ApiError.MTA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT on cal­led mem­ber methods. Plea­se re-initia­li­ze all sta­tic varia­bles and class members.
  • New func­tions for Itin­er­ari­es and Way­po­ints Set­ting and get­ting of name and ID attri­bu­tes for itin­er­ari­es and ID attri­bu­tes for way­po­ints. The­se are all string para­me­ters and can be set if the user requi­res them for refe­rence pur­po­ses. They have no other inter­nal functionalities.
  • User attri­bu­te names of way­po­ints are han­de­led case insen­si­ti­ve. If the way­po­int has an attri­bu­te with name “TelN­um­ber”, you can get it (with Waypoint::getUserAttribute) by the name “TELNUMBER”, too.
  • Impro­ved map­mat­ching: The map matching algo­rithm was impro­ved by com­bi­ning GPS and sen­so­ry input. The com­bi­na­ti­on results in more robust and faster rerou­tings. The­r­e­fo­re, you should use the new func­tion Api::sensorData, to pro­vi­de raw acce­le­ra­ti­on data and game rota­ti­on vec­tor (wit­hout magne­tic field cor­rec­tion). But even if you do not pro­vi­de sen­sor data to the SDK, the matching is impro­ved. The Map­Trip Android SDK alre­a­dy hand­les this out-of-the-box.
  • Impro­ved Detour hand­ling: The new geo­me­try, that was pro­vi­ded by the Ser­ver does some­ti­mes not fit to the local map data of the cli­ent. Now, the client/SDK adds the new geo­me­try and splits ori­gi­nal streets by its­elf. This redu­ces con­flicts tre­men­dous­ly. Known con­flicts were unex­pec­ted gaps in the street net­work and unex­pec­ted onboard rou­ting problems.
  • Disable local truck attri­bu­tes: Truck attri­bu­tes can be dis­ab­led as settings.ini parameter
  • The usa­ge of truck attri­bu­tes for weight, length, width, etc. may be swit­ched off. Con­se­quent­ly, only the truck attri­bu­tes of Detour edits are used. The dis­ab­led truck attri­bu­tes are not dis­play­ed in the map eit­her. Only the pure truck locks (from the map data RS column) will con­ti­n­ue to be dis­play­ed and used, when the user has sel­ec­ted TRUCK as the vehic­le type.
  • Default over­loads: With the default over­loads, street attri­bu­tes of the local map mate­ri­al can be over­loa­ded. You can spe­ci­fy the column name and the new value in the settings.ini in the new sec­tion DEFAULT_OVERLOADS. ALL roads then have this value in the cor­re­spon­ding column. The attri­bu­tes of the Detour edits are not affec­ted by this over­loads. Examples:
  • Long distance advi­ses Redu­ced num­ber of long distance advi­ses that occur when you do not have to make a maneu­ver for a long time. Modi­fi­ed resour­ce file: AdviceIntervals.xml
  • POI visi­bi­li­ties POI dis­play hand­ling was enhan­ced when the appli­ca­ti­on was star­ted for the first time.
  • Truck attri­bu­tes for new streets Remo­ved copy of hard rest­ric­ted truck attri­bu­tes for new streets.
  • Detour shapes are dis­play­ed in every map­view­er Modi­fi­ed resour­ce file: openlrlayout.xml and openlrPointslayout.xml
  • Emp­ty Fol­low­Me rou­tes FollowMeInfo::listRoutes does not return emp­ty files anymore.
  • Allow resi­den­ti­al streets by settings.ini Disable “avo­id resi­den­ti­al streets” by settings.ini para­me­ter in sec­tion ROUTING: AVOID_RESIDENT=false. The default is true.
  • Push Ser­vice for faster updates of Detour and Fol­low­Me files or Remo­te Messages.
  • Pri­va­cy Mani­fest and Code Sig­ning The XCFrame­work of our Map­Trip iOS SDK now inclu­des a pri­va­cy mani­fest and is signed.


  • Onboard rou­te dri­ving time Fixed dri­ving time of onboard rou­te, when ente­ring a resi­den­ti­al area.
  • Fol­low­Me me rou­te files with uni­code cha­rac­ters in the name Fixed hand­ling of Fol­low­Me rou­te files with Uni­code cha­rac­ters in the name.

MTI Android

New func­tions for copy­ing or dele­ting files

With newer Android ver­si­ons the­re are incre­a­sing pro­blems mana­ging files from other apps. The­r­e­fo­re we pro­vi­de two new methods to trans­fer and dele­te files to MapTrip.


val path = activity.getExternalFilesDir(null)?.absolutePath!!

val file = File(path + “/followme_bonn.nmea”)

MTIFile.copyFile(file, “mti_test/test.nmea”)




We have bund­led our MTI libra­ry into a new, sepa­ra­te libra­ry ( to pro­vi­de all func­tion­a­li­ties with Kot­lin corou­ti­nes. As a result, the inte­gra­ti­on of MTI is now child’s play.

Neces­sa­ry adjust­ments for Android 14

With Android 14, the latest Android ver­si­on, the­re are rest­ric­tions in the use of MTI when the inte­gra­ting cus­to­mer app is in the back­ground. As a result, call­backs can only be recei­ved unre­lia­bly. We the­r­e­fo­re recom­mend imple­men­ting a Fore­ground Ser­vice ( in your app.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found at

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