Fire depart­ment ope­ra­ti­on — The GPS navi­ga­ti­on that fire depart­ments trust

A field report from Söff­ker Elek­tro­nik Bar­sing­hau­sen (SEB) — GPS Navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware quick­ly and direct­ly con­trol­led from the con­trol center

Hig­hest qua­li­ty stan­dards with ISO certification

During a fire or res­cue ser­vice mis­si­on, it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for the dri­ver to recei­ve all rele­vant desti­na­ti­on infor­ma­ti­on as easi­ly as pos­si­ble and wit­hout trans­mis­si­on errors in the dri­ver ter­mi­nal. Whe­re­as in the past, street and hou­se num­bers had to be trans­mit­ted by voice and then manu­al­ly ente­red into the GPS navi­ga­ti­on device, today all rele­vant mis­si­on data is trans­mit­ted digi­tal­ly and in encrypt­ed form via the pro­tec­ted TETRA-BOS public aut­ho­ri­ty radio. GPS Navi­ga­ti­on starts auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and addi­tio­nal mis­si­on data can be dis­play­ed. The dri­ver can con­cen­tra­te ful­ly on the blue-light jour­ney right from the start. The tech­no­lo­gy that hand­les the GPS navi­ga­ti­on and radio com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on comes from the com­pa­ny Söff­ker Elek­tro­nik Bar­sing­hau­sen (SEB). SEB has been a part­ner for aut­ho­ri­ties and orga­nizati­ons with secu­ri­ty tasks (BOS) sin­ce 1975. The ISO-cer­ti­fi­ed com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps and pro­du­ces the majo­ri­ty of its own hard­ware to the hig­hest qua­li­ty standards.

At the PMR EXPO in Colo­gne we had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk to Mar­kus Köber­le, Mar­tin Steb­ner and Jens Bär­wolf from SEB. They have inte­gra­ted our GPS navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware Map­Trip 112 into the mis­si­on gui­dance system SEB Drive².

Mis­si­on GPS navi­ga­ti­on Map­Trip 112

With SEB Dri­ve², the dri­ver of the emer­gen­cy vehic­le imme­dia­te­ly recei­ves all mis­si­on-rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on and has the GPS navi­ga­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly in view. Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on recei­ves the data direct­ly from the con­trol center.

The fact that many fire depart­ments are not allo­wed to use a mobi­le Inter­net con­nec­tion for secu­ri­ty rea­sons is alre­a­dy taken into account when using the GPS navi­ga­ti­on, as Mar­kus Köber­le explains: “Sin­ce our cus­to­mers’ devices are not allo­wed to be con­nec­ted to the Inter­net, Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on is cal­cu­la­ted off­line. For this rea­son, the alert from the con­trol cen­ter is trans­mit­ted via Tetra BOS radio. Up to 600 cha­rac­ters can be transmitted.”

The desti­na­ti­on is thus trans­fer­red to Map­Trip, as can be seen in the figu­re below:

In addi­ti­on, it can be con­fi­gu­red whe­ther alter­na­ti­ve rou­tes should be dis­play­ed or whe­ther the fastest rou­te is star­ted immediately.

Know all road works — even wit­hout per­ma­nent inter­net connection

With the Map­Trip Detour func­tion it is pos­si­ble to enter road works and clo­sures into the map data depen­ding on direc­tion and time. In the Detour web edi­tor, the­se clo­sures can be crea­ted and edi­ted con­ve­ni­ent­ly on the com­pu­ter. Aut­ho­ri­zed Map­Trip 112 instal­la­ti­ons can then auto­ma­ti­cal­ly access the clo­sures and — after they have been loa­ded onto the devices — take them into account off­line in the rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on and rou­te guidance.

For exam­p­le, a road can be clo­sed in the edi­tor for the next 3 weeks due to a cons­truc­tion site, con­se­quent­ly the road will then not be used in the rou­te gui­dance during the­se 3 weeks. Once the clo­sure has expi­red, the road will be used again in the regu­lar way. Howe­ver, time-depen­dent and recur­ring clo­sures can also be made, e.g. a weekly mar­ket every Wed­nes­day afternoon.

Mar­kus Köber­le explains how SEB uses this: “The loca­ti­on of cur­rent road works can be easi­ly ente­red cen­tral­ly in the Detour Edi­tor. When the vehic­les are in the hall, they have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to load the cur­rent cons­truc­tion sites and chan­ges via WLAN. This way, they are taken into account when cal­cu­la­ting rou­tes even if the devices don’t have Inter­net while on the road.”

But not only road works/blocks can be ente­red with the Detour Edi­tor. Map­Trip Detour gives users a com­pre­hen­si­ve tool to edit road maps inde­pendent­ly and quick­ly. Users can make the fol­lo­wing changes:

  • Add miss­ing roads in the map data and see them direct­ly in the GPS navigation. 

For new roads, e.g. in new cons­truc­tion are­as, one often has to wait for months until the next release of the map data pro­vi­ders. With Map­Trip Detour you can act on your own. The streets can be drawn into the map by a simp­le mou­se click and are then direct­ly visi­ble in the GPS navigation.

  • Approa­ches to spe­cial objects

Spe­cial access roads, which are not allo­wed to be used by nor­mal road traf­fic and the­r­e­fo­re pro­ba­b­ly will never be inclu­ded in the map data of the pro­vi­ders, can be inser­ted and made usable by yours­elf wit­hout wai­ting time.

  • Fair / folk festival

Draw paths and stand num­bers on the map to enable rapid and tar­ge­ted access for emer­gen­cy ser­vices, even at tem­po­ra­ry events.

  • Chan­ge turn regulations

Espe­ci­al­ly in the field it can save enorm­ous detours in rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on, e.g. to switch off a left turn rest­ric­tion at an inter­sec­tion, which can be taken in case of emer­gen­cy after all.

  • Edit truck restrictions

Her­eby height and weight rest­ric­tions can be added and edi­ted. For exam­p­le, a height rest­ric­tion at a tun­nel can be added. Or the weight rest­ric­tion at a bridge can be chan­ged, which can be used in excep­tio­nal cases.

  • Unblocking, prio­ri­tiz­ing and avo­i­ding roads

Roads can not only be blocked, but also unblocked, such as a pede­stri­an zone. Prio­ri­tiz­ing and avo­i­ding roads acts like a magnet, allo­wing roads to be used pre­fe­ren­ti­al­ly like a yard exit.

  • Blue light radius

The­se are spe­cial func­tions for emer­gen­cy dri­ves. In an adjusta­ble radi­us, e.g. 100 m or 1,000 m, around a GPS navi­ga­ti­on desti­na­ti­on, rest­ric­tions such as tur­ning regu­la­ti­ons and one-way street regu­la­ti­ons are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly can­ce­led in the “Blue Light Radi­us” mode. This means that the approach can be made in the last mile even in the oppo­si­te direc­tion of tra­vel. Of cour­se, tun­nels and roads with struc­tu­ral­ly sepa­ra­ted lanes are exclu­ded. In addi­ti­on, the voice announce­ments during rou­te gui­dance are adapt­ed to the hig­her ope­ra­tio­nal dri­ving speeds.

In addi­ti­on to the web edi­tor, trans­mis­si­on is also pos­si­ble on the ser­ver side (via ser­ver API).

Inte­gra­ted into your own appli­ca­ti­on in no time via QuickUI

The GPS navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware can also be inte­gra­ted into a mis­si­on gui­dance system via SDK. An SDK (Soft­ware Deve­lo­p­ment Kit) is a cons­truc­tion kit for deve­lo­pers that can be used to add all GPS navi­ga­ti­on func­tions to their own appli­ca­ti­on. Thanks to the new QuickUI, this can be done within a few days wit­hout much effort.

If you have any que­sti­ons about the SEB ope­ra­tio­nal gui­dance system SEB Dri­ve², Mar­kus Köber­le and his col­le­agues will be hap­py to hear from you:

Mar­tin Steb­ner is con­vin­ced of the SEB Dri­ve² and explains its func­tions and advantage
Clear radio ope­ra­ti­on and mis­si­on GPS navi­ga­ti­on — The SEB Dri­ve² can do both and even more

For all que­sti­ons about Map­Trip 112 and the pos­si­ble inte­gra­ti­on methods, our sales team will be hap­py to advi­se you.

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