DIVERA 24/7 with emer­gen­cy routes

Users of the DIVERA 24/7 Alarm Moni­tor can now also dis­play emer­ge­ny rou­tes from Map­Trip 112 in their system. The alarm moni­tor informs emer­gen­cy ser­vices about the most important key data of their ope­ra­ti­on befo­re they set off.

divera alarmmonitor blaulichtroute

This also inclu­des the loca­ti­on and the rou­te to get the­re. Until now, the rou­te was cal­cu­la­ted using a stan­dard Open­Street­Map rou­ting. This can result in con­sidera­ble devia­ti­ons from rea­li­ty. Road­works can make roads tem­po­r­a­ri­ly impas­sa­ble or cycle paths can be used in some places as a short­cut to a loca­ti­on. This is local know-how that no nor­mal rou­ting ser­vice can know.

This is whe­re Map­Trip 112 shows its strength

The maps and the cor­re­spon­ding rou­tes can now be dis­play­ed direct­ly in the DIVERA 24/7 — alarm moni­tor. All a DIVERA 24/7 — user has to do is regi­ster on the Map­Trip page. The API key crea­ted by Map­Trip can then be ente­red into the DIVERA 24/7 — Alarm Moni­tor. The con­nec­tion bet­ween the two systems is imme­dia­te­ly estab­lished!

Free star­ter packa­ge
This ser­vice is free for all users in the star­ter packa­ge. After regi­stering, you can edit the road maps in the Map­Trip edi­tor. The most important edits are

- Add miss­ing roads
- Block roads
- Edit truck limits (e.g. height or weight)
- Avo­id or pre­fer roads

In addi­ti­on to the rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on (prac­ti­cal emer­gen­cy rou­tes can of cour­se be out­put), every user recei­ves a free tri­al ver­si­on of the Map­Trip 112 GPS navi­ga­ti­on system. The GPS navi­ga­ti­on system, which was spe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped for the needs of BOS ope­ra­ti­ons, auto­ma­ti­cal­ly takes into account all chan­ges made to the road maps. This means that not only can the emer­gen­cy rou­te be dis­play­ed cor­rect­ly on the DIVERA 24/7 — alarm moni­tor, but the GPS navi­ga­ti­on also helps to find the quickest rou­te to the incident.

In the free basic ver­si­on, you can work with 10 acti­ve changes.

We will be hap­py to advi­se you on fee-based tariffs for 10 or more changes.