Map­Trip Map-Tiles

Map­Trip Map-Tiles for your web map­ping application

Who is Map­Trip Map-Tiles sui­ta­ble for?

Map­Trip Map-Tiles is exact­ly the right tool for you if you work with web map­ping APIs, e.g. Leaf­let, Open­Lay­ers or Goog­le Maps, but want to use pro­fes­sio­nal map data and ser­vices, e.g. for truck routing.

With Map­Trip Map-Tiles we can pro­vi­de you with a powerful tool that allo­ws you to seam­less­ly inte­gra­te pro­fes­sio­nal map data and rou­ting ser­vices into your own web map­ping appli­ca­ti­on. Whe­ther you work with web map­ping APIs such as Leaf­let, Open­Lay­ers or Goog­le Maps, with Map­Trip Map-Tiles you can now easi­ly inte­gra­te pro­fes­sio­nal map data and ser­vices, for exam­p­le for truck routing.

Exam­p­le Map­Trip Map­Ti­les with Goo­gle­Maps wit­hout traffic
Exam­p­le Map­Trip Map­Ti­les with Goo­gle­Maps with Traffic 

What does Map­Trip Map-Tiles offer?

Map­Trip Map-Tiles enables you to inte­gra­te high-qua­li­ty pro­fes­sio­nal web maps from Map­Trip, which are based on the data sources Tom­Tom, Here or Open­Street­Map. The­se maps are per­fect­ly matched to the func­tions of the Map­Trip ser­ver API and offer you a wide ran­ge of options:

  • Effi­ci­ent rou­te plan­ning for trucks and other vehic­les: cal­cu­la­te and opti­mi­ze rou­tes direct­ly on the map and ensu­re smooth GPS navigation.
  • Effort­less address search and dis­play: Find addres­ses easi­ly and dis­play them cle­ar­ly on the map to sup­port your users.
  • Cus­to­mi­ze the map data: Cus­to­mi­ze the map data accor­ding to your indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments, for exam­p­le by blocking, unblocking, adding roads or editing truck restrictions.
  • Real-time updating of map data: With the Map­Trip Detour Edi­tor, you can make chan­ges in real time that have an imme­dia­te effect on the map display.

The advan­ta­ges of Map­Trip Map-Tiles:

  • Seam­less inte­gra­ti­on: Con­ti­n­ue working with your favo­ri­te web map­ping API and easi­ly add pro­fes­sio­nal map data and rou­ting ser­vices to enhan­ce your application.
  • Up-to-date web map­ping API: Even for deve­lo­pers new to deve­lo­p­ment, Map­Trip Map-Tiles offers easy inte­gra­ti­on with cur­rent web map­ping APIs to pro­vi­de the func­tion­a­li­ty you need for your map­ping application.

The con­nec­tion with Map­Trip GPS Navigation:

Map­Trip Map-Tiles also enables a smooth con­nec­tion with pro­fes­sio­nal Map­Trip GPS Navi­ga­ti­on for trucks to pro­vi­de a com­pre­hen­si­ve and seam­less expe­ri­ence for your users.

Opti­mi­ze your web map­ping application

Start opti­mi­zing your web map­ping appli­ca­ti­on and take advan­ta­ge of pro­fes­sio­nal map data and rou­ting ser­vices with Map­Trip Map-Tiles.

If you have any fur­ther que­sti­ons or need help with inte­gra­ti­on, our sales team will be hap­py to help you!

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