Forest GPS

Forest GPS: Looking for a destination in the forest or other remote places? With the GPS navigation app MapTrip FollowMe this is no problem. With video..
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New Release — Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.6 / SDK 9.6

Discover the latest improvements in MapTrip 5.6 / SDK 9.6! Our changelog contains all the details about the latest release, including the innovative adjustment of the speed limit depending on the vehicle profile and the elimination of Compagnion Traffic.
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GPS Waste Management

GPS Waste Management: GPS app for waste management - With FollowMe every driver can perform every route error-free by following the app instructions.
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GPS Truck Routes

GPS Truck Routes: Truck GPS includes all parking spaces along the route. Add parking lots, rest stops and truck stops directly to the route. Download now!
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Map­Trip Fol­low­Me — now with spe­cial announce­ments for win­ter ser­vices and street cleaning.

Discover the optimized version of our special navigation MapTrip FollowMe. New, customized functions and precise instructions support efficient winter service and street cleaning. Find out more now!
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GPS Rou­te Planning

GPS route planning and navigation in waste management - how to send optimized routes to navigation specifically for waste collection.
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Off­road GPS

Offroad GPS: Truck GPS navigation OffRoad to remote destinations which are not even shown in any map with MapTrip FollowMe. Read our clients story...
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Busi­ness Navigation

Business Navigation: Business Geomatics reports about our MapTrip FollowMe navigation for municipal winter service and street cleaning.
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Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.7 / SDK 9.7

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