GPS Text Message

GPS Text Message: We have developed an demo app that shows how to start a navigation with an SMS. Check out the how-to video and download the app!
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How to share the navi­ga­ti­on screen with ano­ther app

You want to share your navigation screen with another app to show additional information on the destination? We show you how to do it.
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GPS App for Android

GPS App for Android: We created a simple demo application to show you how to start a GPS with Android Intent. Watch the video and download the app on GitHub.
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Trucker Navi­ga­ti­on

Trucker Navigation: Julia from our sales team has created a how to video playlist on the most important features of our MapTrip Truck navigation app.
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Inte­gra­te GPS

Integrate GPS: We show how to integrate a GPS navigation app into your Ionic cordova app. The example uses the MapTrip API for integration.
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ETA Cal­cu­la­ti­on

ETA Calculation: We explain how a GPS navigation calculates the ETA. We improved the accuracy by comparing calculated with measured drive times.
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