How to share the navi­ga­ti­on screen with ano­ther app

In many use cases, it is neces­sa­ry to addi­tio­nal­ly dis­play infor­ma­ti­on from your own app to the dri­ver during navi­ga­ti­on. For this pur­po­se, Map­Trip has a screen sha­ring setting.

The dri­ver of an emer­gen­cy vehic­le needs to know what type of emer­gen­cy it is on the way to the sce­ne. How many peo­p­le are invol­ved? How seve­re are the inju­ries? etc.

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Map­Trip is typi­cal­ly used in con­junc­tion with ano­ther app. So in the abo­ve exam­p­le, the­re is a second app that recei­ves the mis­si­on infor­ma­ti­on from the con­trol cen­ter. This app would then start Map­Trip via an inter­face or an intent and begin the rou­te gui­dance. Initi­al­ly, the deployment app is dis­play­ed, but it has to lea­ve the navi­ga­ti­on screen when desti­na­ti­on gui­dance is started.

How can navi­ga­ti­on and my app share the screen?

Map­Trip pro­vi­des a simp­le means for this. Via the set­tings file, you can defi­ne a screen area that is left free by Map­Trip. This way, both apps can share the screen, and the inset app can dis­play its own con­tent. For this, the fol­lo­wing ent­ries are requi­red in the settings.ini, for example:


The value x spe­ci­fi­es the num­ber of pixels that are left free at the left edge of the screen. Ana­log­ous­ly, space can also be left free at the top, bot­tom or right edge of the screen. To do this, use the parameters

Lay­out­Mar­g­in­Top, Lay­out­Mar­gin­Bot­tom, LayoutMarginRight

See the Map­Trip set­tings file docu­men­ta­ti­on for a full descrip­ti­on of the lay­out parameters.

Many examp­les of appli­ca­ti­on can also be found in other indu­stries. In the trans­port indu­stry, for exam­p­le, when rea­ching the desti­na­ti­on, you can spe­ci­fy addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on such as the num­ber of the unloa­ding ramp or the name of the customer.

Share the screen with navi­ga­ti­on. Other applications

In Fol­low­Me appli­ca­ti­ons, such as hou­se­hold waste coll­ec­tion or use in snow rem­oval vehic­les, it is not enough just to indi­ca­te the rou­te. At the same time, the dri­ver must also recei­ve ins­truc­tions on whe­ther to use the snow plow, for exam­p­le. If the screen is shared with the navi­ga­ti­on, the pro­prie­ta­ry app can dis­play the rele­vant indications.

If you have any que­sti­ons about this topic, we look for­ward to your mail. We are hap­py to help!

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