GPS Truck Routing

Tours in Truck GPS Navigation

In logi­stics, the­re is usual­ly not just one desti­na­ti­on. 10–20 or even 50 stops in express logi­stics are more the rule. Of cour­se, the dri­ver should not enter one desti­na­ti­on after the other manu­al­ly into his truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on, but it should work auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. This artic­le gives an over­view of dif­fe­rent pos­si­bi­li­ties to enter stop lists, i.e. tours, into the truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on and to dri­ve them off.

In a pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ment, truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on, dis­patcher and tele­ma­tics system have to work clo­se­ly tog­e­ther. In one day, a vehic­le usual­ly has to dri­ve to not just one desti­na­ti­on but a who­le list of desti­na­ti­ons. Of cour­se, you want to avo­id the dri­ver hims­elf having to enter one desti­na­ti­on after the other. Instead, a tour is plan­ned that con­ta­ins the day’s desti­na­ti­ons and cal­cu­la­tes the respec­ti­ve dri­ving times bet­ween the destinations.

Truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on is usual­ly just one com­po­nent in the rou­te plan­ning or tele­ma­tics system. A dis­patcher plans the dai­ly tour. For this, rou­tes, ETAs and dri­ving times have to be cal­cu­la­ted. A resul­ting stop list is sent to the truck via the tele­ma­tics system. The dri­ver should then be gui­ded to the respec­ti­ve desti­na­ti­on by his GPS navigation.

On the part of the truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on, this pro­cess can be accom­plished with various methods.

Method 1: Save tour as a file in the GPS navi­ga­ti­on device

GPS Truck Routing
GPS Truck Routing

To start the tours in the Map­Trip app, they must be saved as a file on the GPS navi­ga­ti­on device. A tour to the (accor­ding to Tri­p­ad­vi­sor) five best restau­rants in Bonn looks like this, for example:

GPS Truck Routing

This file must be saved on the navi­ga­ti­on device and can then be ope­ned by the truck dri­ver in the app. Saving the file on the device must be done e.g. by a tele­ma­tics system.

GPS Truck Routing

The tour is not star­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly, but must be sel­ec­ted and ope­ned manu­al­ly by the driver.

Method 2: The tour is trans­fer­red from the tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on to the truck navi­ga­ti­on via interface

This is the most com­mon way how a tour is han­ded over to a truck navi­ga­ti­on and star­ted. In this method, a tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on is instal­led on the navi­ga­ti­on device tog­e­ther with the navi­ga­ti­on. Both apps can com­mu­ni­ca­te with each other via an inter­face.

GPS Truck Routing

In this case, the tele­ma­tics app would trans­fer all desti­na­ti­ons of the tour to the truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on one after the other. As soon as the tour is com­ple­te, the desti­na­ti­on gui­dance can be star­ted by the tele­ma­tics app.

GPS Truck Routing

Then the desti­na­ti­on gui­dance is star­ted with start­Tour(). This can be done wit­hout any inter­ven­ti­on by the dri­ver. The enti­re pro­cess can the­r­e­fo­re be con­trol­led com­ple­te­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. Call­backs inform the con­trol­ling tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on about the pro­gress of the desti­na­ti­on gui­dance. The desti­na­ti­on­Re­a­ched() call­back, for exam­p­le, informs the dri­ver that the desti­na­ti­on has been rea­ched. The tele­ma­tics appli­ca­ti­on can then push the navi­ga­ti­on into the back­ground and dis­play its own dialog.

GPS Truck Routing
GPS Truck Routing

If you want to learn more about how the Map­Trip inter­face works, read the tuto­ri­al here or the docu­men­ta­ti­on here. 

Method 3: Beam the tour direct­ly from the dis­patcher to the truck GPS navi­ga­ti­on via the web

GPS Truck Routing

For this pur­po­se, the trip plan­ning appli­ca­ti­on in dis­patching can use a spe­cial func­tion of the ser­ver API. Using the sen­dI­tin­era­ry­To­De­vice func­tion, you can easi­ly send the list of desti­na­ti­ons direct­ly to a Map­Trip navi­ga­ti­on device via the web.

GPS Truck Routing
GPS Truck Routing
GPS Truck Routing

This does not requi­re file trans­fer as in the first method, nor a tele­ma­tics app as in the second method. The trans­fer of the tour is done direct­ly by the ser­ver API and Map­Trip GPS Navigation.

Would you like to try what is the best method for you?

If you want to try the methods descri­bed abo­ve, you can down­load Map­Trip Truck Navi­ga­ti­on for free here. You can test the Map­Trip Ser­ver API here.

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