New release Android Map­Trip 5.3

Add miss­ing roads to the road map

Map­Trip 5.3 / SDK 9.3

As the first pro­fes­sio­nal GPS navi­ga­ti­on, Map­Trip now offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to add miss­ing roads yours­elf and amend them ad hoc to the road map! For this pur­po­se, the Detour Edi­tor has been exten­ded with func­tions for dra­wing roads. 

Typi­cal use cases:

  • Add miss­ing roads in new deve­lo­p­ment are­as that are not yet inclu­ded in the regu­lar street maps from Tom­Tom, Here or OSM.
  • Adding yard ent­ran­ces to the public road network.
  • Adding roads on a com­pa­ny site

In the Detour Edi­tor, a new but­ton calls the func­tion for dra­wing roads.

add missing roads
In the Detour Edi­tor, a new but­ton calls the func­tion for dra­wing roads. This way you can add miss­ing roads to the map and
they are syn­chro­ni­zed with the GPS Navi­ga­ti­on immediatelly.

Exam­p­le how to add miss­ing roads 

A small road is not inclu­ded in the stan­dard maps from Tom­Tom, Here and OSM. Via the Detour edi­tor it can be added with a few clicks and sent to the GPS navi­ga­ti­on devices.

add missing roads
The miss­ing road is visi­ble on the aeri­al photograph.
add missing roads
The street is added in the edi­tor and is imme­dia­te­ly available in the GPS navigation.

Note: The new streets can­not be pro­vi­ded with addres­ses and are not found via the address input!

Map­Trip App and SDK

Announce­ment “Fol­low this road for 153 km”.

Instead of the announce­ment “Fol­low the road for a very long time”. Now the con­cre­te distance for which the cur­rent road should be fol­lo­wed is announ­ced. So e.g. “Fol­low this road for 153 km”.

add missing roads

Gas sta­ti­ons and fuel pri­ces across Europe

Map­Trip now dis­plays gas sta­ti­ons and cur­rent fuel pri­ces across Europe.

add missing roads
add missing roads

When rea­ching a sel­ec­ted gas sta­ti­on, Map­Trip cal­cu­la­tes the savings by sel­ec­ting this gas sta­ti­on. The savings are cal­cu­la­ted from the pri­ce dif­fe­rence of this gas sta­ti­on to the avera­ge pri­ce of all gas sta­ti­ons along the route.

Dis­play gas sta­ti­on / par­king lot / delay in Companion_Map

The Companion_Map now also shows the che­a­pest gas sta­ti­on and the nea­rest car park. By clicking on the cor­re­spon­ding icon, a detail­ed dia­log is dis­play­ed and the gas sta­ti­on or the par­king lot can be inser­ted into the rou­te as an inter­me­dia­te destination.

add missing roads
add missing roads

In addi­ti­on to the distance to the gas sta­ti­on, the tra­vel time to the gas sta­ti­on is also dis­play­ed when desti­na­ti­on gui­dance is active.

Truck speed indi­ca­tor green/orange/red

We have adapt­ed the speed dis­play in Com­pa­n­ion Traf­fic to the rea­li­ties of truck driving.

add missing roads
Speed under 80km/h
add missing roads
Speed up to 90km/h
add missing roads
Speed >90km/h

Vie­w­ing Detour Edits in MapTrip

With the Detour Edi­tor, indi­vi­du­al chan­ges can be made to the road maps. The chan­ges are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly syn­chro­ni­zed with your own Map­Trip GPS navi­ga­ti­on apps. 

add missing roads
Dia­log for crea­ting detour

The fol­lo­wing chan­ges can be made in the Detour Edi­tor for GPS navi­ga­ti­on and for rou­te planning:

  • Clo­se roads
  • Open blocked roads
  • Prio­ri­ti­ze roads in rou­te calculation
  • Avo­id roads in rou­te calculation
  • Disable turn restrictions
  • Draw and add new roads
  • Edit and crea­te truck rest­ric­tions (length, width, weight etc.).

The dis­play in the edi­tor and in the GPS navi­ga­ti­on is now consistent.

add missing roads
Dis­play of detour edits in the editor
add missing roads
: Dis­play of detour edits in MapTrip

Map­Trip Inter­face MTI

Trans­fer truck pro­fi­le with name via MTI

Via Map­Trip Inter­face (MTI) a truck pro­fi­le with a name can now be passed.

Link to the docu

The pro­fi­le con­ta­ins the dimen­si­ons of the vehic­le and other para­me­ters. It is dis­play­ed with the pas­sed name in the Map­Trip appli­ca­ti­on. The set­tings of the pro­fi­le can be view­ed by the dri­ver but can­not be changed.

A truck pro­fi­le trans­fer­red via MTI is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly reu­sed by Map­Trip even after a restart. It does not have to be set again after each start, but remains acti­ve until ano­ther pro­fi­le is selected.


Delay on the rou­te green/orange/red

The Traf­fic but­ton on the left side of the map shows the delay cau­sed by the cur­rent traf­fic situa­ti­on on the rou­te. Map­Trip always uses the fastest rou­te. Howe­ver, due to the gene­ral traf­fic situa­ti­on, it may still con­tain a delay com­pared to the avera­ge traf­fic situation.

add missing roads
Delay up to 5min
add missing roads
Delay 5–10min
add missing roads
Delay >10min

Read out traf­fic jam messages

If at the start of rou­te gui­dance the delay on the rou­te is grea­ter than 5min, it will read out “Your rou­te con­ta­ins x minu­tes of delays. This is the fastest route.”

add missing roads
add missing roads

If traf­fic mes­sa­ges are available for the cur­rent rou­te, they will be read out.

Plea­se note that a rou­te may well con­tain delays wit­hout traf­fic mes­sa­ges being available at the same time!

You can also con­fi­gu­re or sup­press the TTS out­put via Settings.ini:



Traf­ficDe­la­y­An­nounce­ment­Th­res­hold (default=5) Delay on the rou­te in minu­tes, from which a TTS announce­ment is made with refe­rence to the cur­rent delay.

Traf­ficDe­la­y­An­nounce­ment­Ti­me­Del­ta (default=30) Time inter­val in minu­tes bet­ween two TTS announce­ments with indi­ca­ti­on of cur­rent delay.


More infor­ma­ti­on in the info window

If the­re are pro­blems with Map­Trip, it is very hel­pful to have as much infor­ma­ti­on as pos­si­ble about the instal­la­ti­on and settings.

add missing roads

We have the­r­e­fo­re made the infor­ma­ti­on dia­log more detail­ed. This makes it easier to sol­ve pro­blems in case of support.

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