New pro­duct — the Map­Trip Server-API

The Ser­ver-API pro­vi­des fea­tures for deve­lo­pers such as rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on, opti­mizati­on, geo­co­ding, traf­fic report­ing, and map data editing. Would you like to know how to use the Ser­ver-API? Then read more here….


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We have crea­ted our own play­list on Ser­ver-API for you. Visit our You­Tube channel.

After months of inten­si­ve plan­ning and deve­lo­p­ment, we are very plea­sed to intro­du­ce the Map­Trip Ser­ver-API. What exact­ly are the fea­tures and for which use cases is the Ser­ver-API suitable?

The Map­Trip Ser­ver-API pro­vi­des direct access via inter­faces to ser­vices such as rou­ting, sequence opti­mizati­on, traf­fic reports but also for road blocking.

For the trans­port and logi­stics indu­stry, the func­tions ETA cal­cu­la­ti­on, rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on taking into account num­e­rous para­me­ters such as cur­rent traf­fic reports, sta­tis­ti­cal traf­fic data and vehic­le dimen­si­ons (length, width, weight, hazar­dous goods) are just as inte­re­st­ing as sequence opti­mizati­on. The cal­cu­la­ted rou­tes can then be trans­fer­red eit­her to one of our edi­tors for fur­ther pro­ce­s­sing or to Map­Trip Navi­ga­ti­on.

Is a truck rest­ric­tion (e.g. height, width, weight) not cor­rect? With the Map­Trip Ser­ver-API you can easi­ly chan­ge this and e.g. redu­ce a maxi­mum tun­nel height to be abso­lut­e­ly sure that no vehic­le gets stuck in the tunnel.

Of cour­se, we also pro­vi­de the full packa­ge of docu­men­ta­ti­on as well as a tuto­ri­al for deve­lo­pers and have also crea­ted some You­Tube vide­os for you explai­ning exact­ly how it works.

If you want to know how to use the new Ser­ver-API for your appli­ca­ti­on wri­te us a mes­sa­ge here. We will be hap­py to advi­se you.

Of cour­se, we will also be hap­py to send you a demo account for exten­si­ve test­ing of the Map­Trip Ser­ver-API wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on, so that you can get an idea of the func­tions yourself.

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