Build GPS

How to build your own GPS app with Map­Trip SDK: Fol­low­Me GPS SDK App Example

Our trai­nee Hen­drik has pro­grammed his own Fol­low­Me GPS navi­ga­ti­on app with the Map­Trip SDK. In the video he explains brief­ly what you have to pay atten­ti­on to. You can down­load his app on GitHub.

If you want to inte­gra­te GPS fea­tures direct­ly into your app, the Map­Trip SDK is the tool of choice. Alt­hough you can use the Map­Trip API to remo­te con­trol the GPS app from your app, some­ti­mes you want to build your own GPS appli­ca­ti­on or add navi­ga­ti­on fea­tures to your app. For this we offer the Map­Trip SDK.

Hen­drik crea­ted the GPS app for waste dis­po­sal (Fol­low­Me) in a few days. He uploa­ded his app to Git­Hub so it can be used as a blue­print for your implementation.

If you have any que­sti­ons about how to best imple­ment your navi­ga­ti­on fea­tures, don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act us. We are hap­py to advi­se you!


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Fol­low­Me GPS SDK App Example

This pro­ject is meant to help anyo­ne who wants to use our SDK to crea­te their own Fol­low­Me Appli­ca­ti­on. It con­sists of an Android Stu­dio Pro­ject with com­men­ted code, in which you can see how we hand­le the SDK-func­tions and ‑call­backs.

Set­ting up the GPS SDK Package

To use this app, you have to make a few pre­pa­ra­ti­ons first. Cont­act our sup­port to get the resour­ce packa­ge for the Fol­low­MeSDK­Ex­am­p­le App and a demo-licence.

In our SDK packa­ge a “Fol­low­MeSDK­Ex­am­p­le” fol­der is inclu­ded. This fol­der needs to be pre­sent on the root-direc­to­ry of your device. Sim­ply copy it over after you added the licence.

Build GPS

Insi­de this fol­der, you will find the fol­lo­wing structure:

Build GPS

The fol­ders map­data, mapdata_poi and mapdata_vector con­tain the neces­sa­ry map-files and can be exch­an­ged if you alre­a­dy have a map-packa­ge. The user fol­der is whe­re you need to place your licence.

Build GPS

You will also find the rou­tes fol­der insi­de the user direc­to­ry. All your Fol­low­Me files are read from this direc­to­ry. You will have an exam­p­le Fol­low­Me-tour alre­a­dy available from our SDK package.

Instal­ling the GPS App

The GPS app needs to be built by you. You can eit­her down­load the pro­ject or crea­te a pull requests, and open it in Android Stu­dio. Now that you have the code base you can adjust the code if nee­ded, and crea­te an APK or build it direct­ly on your device.

Using the GPS App

On start­up you will see our splash screen while the SDK is being initia­li­zed. Curr­ent­ly the­re is no error-manage­ment, so in case of a licence error you need to look at the Android Studio’s log­cat. After the SDK has been suc­cessful­ly initia­li­zed, the main menu is shown with the opti­on ‘List’.
On click on the list-but­ton all available Fol­low­Me-files (.nmea or .csv) will be par­sed from the /user/routes direc­to­ry and are shown on screen. When you sel­ect a file a dia­log will pop up, asking if you want to start the rou­te as a simu­la­ti­on or a nor­mal navi­ga­ti­on.
Choo­sing eit­her of tho­se opti­ons will bring you to the map, and the rou­te will be cal­cu­la­ted and gui­dance will be started.

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