New Release: Truck GPS SDK

Chan­ge­log Map­Trip Truck GPS SDK 9.0

We have been working dili­gent­ly on our fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment again and the new Truck GPS SDK 9.0 is now available.

We have listed the main chan­ges in detail here. 


Sear­ching for crossing roads is now pos­si­ble with OSM map data.


New map data for­mat — redu­ced size of map data

For the ver­si­ons from Truck GPS SDK 9.0 we pro­vi­de a new map data for­mat which brings seve­ral advantages.

One of them is the signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in the map data size.

Map size for Euro­pe (exam­p­le TomTom)

  • Now:                     5.1GB
  • Befo­re:                7.09GB

Impro­ved Off­board Rou­ting with Bad Mobi­le Coverage

After 3G (UMTS) was swit­ched off, many navi­ga­ti­on devices had to use 2G (GPRS) to com­mu­ni­ca­te with the Map­Trip rou­ting ser­vers. This some­ti­mes resul­ted in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­blems bet­ween the navi­ga­ti­on device and the ser­ver. The beha­vi­or of the Truck GPS SDK has been impro­ved so that it now relia­bly falls back on the onboard rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on with map data stored local­ly in the navi­ga­ti­on device in case of poor reception.

Refe­rence Rou­te: Same map data for the refe­rence route

With the new map data for­mat no sepa­ra­te map sets are requi­red for the refe­rence route.

Refe­rence Rou­te: Impro­ved Accuracy

Impro­ved accu­ra­cy of the rou­te on roads with traf­fic islands.

New Release: Truck GPS SDK

In the exam­p­le shown, the refe­rence rou­te is to go around the traf­fic island on the right-hand side (direc­tion of tra­vel is upwards). This works relia­bly with Truck GPS SDK ver­si­on 9.0.

Refe­rence Rou­te: Insert a Stop into the Route

In the exam­p­le shown, a sche­du­led bus is to fol­low the refe­rence rou­te shown in blue. The red dots repre­sent the input (points in a CSV file) for crea­ting the refe­rence rou­te. The­re is a stop at the point mark­ed “Sta­ti­on 9”. It is first pas­sed on the way to the traf­fic cir­cle wit­hout stop­ping. The bus should then dri­ve through the traf­fic cir­cle and then stop at sta­ti­on 9. 

New Release: Truck GPS SDK

To unam­bi­guous­ly spe­ci­fy whe­ther to stop at the stop on the out­bound or return trip, the­re is a new SDK function: 

WayPoint::setDirectionAngle. This can be used to spe­ci­fy the ang­le at which the (inter­me­dia­te) desti­na­ti­on point should be approached. 

Optio­nal: The direc­tion of the refe­rence rou­te is taken into account if settings.ini ent­ry. [ROUTING] SetStationAngleByRefRoute=1 is pre­sent. Default is 0.

Sta­tis­ti­cal Traf­fic Information

For each rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on, the para­me­ter MTA_NAV_ROUTE_STAT_DRIVE_TIME_SECONDS_FREE_FLOW pro­vi­des the sta­tis­ti­cal tra­vel time wit­hout taking into account the cur­rent traf­fic situa­ti­on and wit­hout traf­fic jams. 

New Release: Truck GPS SDK

In Map­Trip, the dif­fe­rence bet­ween sta­tis­ti­cal tra­vel time and cur­rent tra­vel time is dis­play­ed on the left side of the screen under the Traf­fic but­ton. The dri­ver is thus infor­med how the cur­rent tra­vel time dif­fers from the usu­al tra­vel time at this time of day. 

The sta­tis­ti­cal tra­vel time is cal­cu­la­ted by the Map­Trip backend con­side­ring the sta­tis­ti­cal traf­fic data but wit­hout taking into account the cur­rent traf­fic situation.

Off­board Rou­te Wit­hout Traffic

In the area of res­cue, poli­ce and fire­fight­ing vehic­les, the­re is a requi­re­ment NOT to take traf­fic infor­ma­ti­on into account on the way to the sce­ne of the inci­dent. When dri­ving with blue lights, traf­fic jams should not be avo­ided. Howe­ver, for all other trips, traf­fic con­di­ti­ons are to be con­side­red in the rou­te selection.

In the off­board rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on this can now be swit­ched on and off with the func­tions Navigation::setRouteUseOffboardTraffic and Navigation::getRouteUseOffboardTraffic.


Wrong Way Through Roundabout

To be able to dri­ve in a traf­fic cir­cle against the dri­ving direc­tion in Fol­low­Me (e.g. in hea­vy traf­fic) the­re is now a new ini para­me­ter [FOLLOWME] AllowUnblockingOfRoundabouts=1. The default is 0.

Sup­press Vehic­le Rest­ric­tion Warning

New ini para­me­ter [FOLLOWME] SuppressVehicleRestrictionWarning=1. Nor­mal vehic­le war­nings are not issued. Dis­re­gard­ed truck attri­bu­tes are still out­put. Default is 1.

Impro­ved Memo­ry Manage­ment When Recor­ding Very Long Fol­low­Me Routes

New ini para­me­ter [FOLLOWME] MaxPointsInRecordingMapLayer=9999999. With very long Fol­low­Me GPS recor­dings at some point too many GPS points are dis­play­ed in the map. For devices with low memo­ry and per­for­mance you can redu­ce the maxi­mum num­ber of the­se points with the abo­ve para­me­ter. Default set­ting is 9999999.

Detour & FollowMe

No ini ent­ries (com­pa­ny, user­na­me, pass­word and in case of Detour also the detour file) neces­sa­ry any­mo­re, if the device is known to the Map­Trip Manager.


Dis­play Dis­ab­led Turn Restrictions

Dis­ab­led tur­ning rest­ric­tions are shown in Map­Trip the same way as in the editor.

New Release: Truck GPS SDK
New Release: Truck GPS SDK

Dis­play of Detour Clo­sures in MapTrip

Dis­play of an icon at the begin­ning of Detour clo­sures. Clo­sures in both direc­tions have such an icon at both ends accordingly.

New Release: Truck GPS SDK

Time Domains

Time-recur­ring clo­sures (time domains) are now sup­port­ed. Clo­sures can be crea­ted with a time peri­od in which they are valid.


More com­pact, but addi­tio­nal­ly with the hori­zon­tal accu­ra­cy (Android). This for­mat is bet­ter sui­ted to repro­du­ce a sup­po­sed SDK error, becau­se it stores all data pas­sed to the SDK by the appli­ca­ti­on using Gps::setPosition. The stan­dard NMEA for­mat does not offer the pos­si­bi­li­ty to store the hori­zon­tal accuracy.

Map­Trip Remote

New SDK func­tion PostObject::getCreateTime. Returns timestamp when the object was crea­ted on the server.

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