Truck Map App

Map­Trip 112 — GPS App for Fire Depart­ment, Poli­ce and Ambulances

This video gives a short over­view of Map­Trip 112 the pro­fes­sio­nal GPS app for Poli­ce, Fire Depart­ment, Ambu­lan­ces and all other first respon­ders and BOS vehic­les. Down­load the GPS app here.


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How is a GPS App for a Fire Depart­ment different?

Fire depart­ment, Poli­ce and Res­cue vehic­les dri­ve dif­fer­ent­ly than the rest of us. The­r­e­fo­re they also need a spe­cial GPS app to gui­de them. In the 112-envi­ron­ment a GPS app 

  • must always work regard­less of an inter­net connection. 
  • must be con­nec­ted to the con­trol center.
  • must allow cus­tom map edits to block nar­row roads or open parks and pede­stri­an are­as for the vehicles.
  • must (in the right places) igno­re tur­ning rest­ric­tions that do not app­ly to emer­gen­cy vehic­les when on a mission.

GPS App joint­ly deve­lo­ped with Fire Department

Our Map­Trip 112 GPS app is based on the regu­lar Map­Trip Truck GPS app. Over the years we have work­ed clo­se­ly with Fire Depart­ments and listen­ed to their requi­re­ments. In order to cover all the requi­re­ments we have also deve­lo­ped the 112-Edi­tor. It is a web page which allo­ws you to edit the maps to block / unblock roads or modi­fy tur­ning rest­ric­tions whe­re necessary.

Maps from Tom­Tom, Here or Open Street Map

Map­Trip can be used with the most cur­rent maps from Tom­Tom, Here or Open Street Map (OSM). All maps can be edi­ted in the 112-Edi­tor to reflect your local requi­re­ments. We offer the choice of maps becau­se depen­ding on the area on or the other pro­vi­der may hold advantages.

Try it out!

If you would like to learn more about Map­Trip 112 plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us and down­load the app to try it out.

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