New Release GPS Navi­ga­ti­on App 5.4 / SDK 9.4


About this release

For this release, we have put the focus on deve­lo­pers working with the Map­Trip SDK. The new QuickUI dra­ma­ti­cal­ly sim­pli­fi­es the inte­gra­ti­on of GPS navi­ga­ti­on fea­tures into your own app. This makes the SDK a very attrac­ti­ve alter­na­ti­ve for tho­se who have always wan­ted to have desti­na­ti­on gui­dance in their own app, but have shied away from the deve­lo­p­ment effort.
By redu­cing the volu­me of data trans­fer­red, we are signi­fi­cant­ly redu­cing the cost of run­ning Map­Trip. Also, the impro­ve­ments around the admi­ni­stra­ti­on of Map­Trip sim­pli­fy updates and lead in total to the fact that Map­Trip is even easier and thus che­a­per to ope­ra­te in the pro­fes­sio­nal environment.


Update Map­Trip to the latest Android technologies

Map­Trip has been updated to the new Android tech­no­lo­gy Android SDK 31. This means that Map­Trip is tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly up to date and stable.

Data con­sump­ti­on minimized

We have been able to redu­ce MapTrip’s data con­sump­ti­on by 30–40% in online-only mode.
Map­Trip regu­lar­ly updates the traf­fic situa­ti­on as well as speed came­ras and fuel pri­ces. When rou­te gui­dance is acti­ve, Map­Trip also loads the rou­te from the ser­ver and updates it regu­lar­ly (checking for traf­fic jams, faster rou­te and cur­rent arri­val time).
With a usa­ge of 100h and 5000km per month, the data con­sump­ti­on (pure online usa­ge wit­hout down­loa­ded maps) is about 185MB. Pre­vious­ly, it was about 270MB.

Show hou­se num­bers on the map

Hou­se num­bers can now optio­nal­ly be dis­play­ed on the map. The dis­play can be swit­ched on in the opti­ons or alter­na­tively in the settings.ini.

Your map with hou­se num­bers could look like this.
The size is adjustable.

If you add the ent­ry ShowHouseNumbers=1 in the Settings.ini in the sec­tion [APPLICATION], the hou­se num­bers are always on and you can­not chan­ge anything in the Map­Trip menu.
In the mapservices.xml in the sec­tion Plat­form, for exam­p­le on Android, chan­ge the size of the hou­se numbers:



QuickUI — Inte­gra­te navi­ga­ti­on into your own app in just one day 

With the new QuickUI Libra­ry, you can upgrade your app with full-fled­ged GPS navi­ga­ti­on func­tions with mini­mal effort.
The QuickUI modu­le pro­vi­des all basic GPS navi­ga­ti­on func­tions such as map dis­play and turn-by-turn announce­ments out of the box, dra­ma­ti­cal­ly redu­cing deve­lo­p­ment time.
The modu­le is inten­ded for use cases in which an exi­sting app is to be sup­ple­men­ted with desti­na­ti­on guidance.


QuickUI pro­vi­des the fol­lo­wing fea­tures rea­dy to use:

  • Rou­te infor­ma­ti­on: remai­ning distance & time, ETA.
  • Next ins­truc­tion: direc­tion and remai­ning distance
  • Speed limit display
  • Voice gui­dance with TTS or audio files
  • Auto­ma­tic swit­ching bet­ween day and night mode
  • But­ton to resu­me loca­ti­on tracking
  • POI dis­play: traf­fic events, traf­fic flow & speed came­ras, truck restrictions
  • Set­ting opti­ons: Sound out­put, TTS, day-night mode.

Set mul­ti­ple listeners

For most clas­ses of the SDK, mul­ti­ple listen­ers can now be set, sin­ce nowa­days it is often neces­sa­ry to be able to respond to call­backs at seve­ral points in the appli­ca­ti­on.
For exam­p­le, using the Navi­ga­ti­on class:
Navigation::addNavigationListener(NavigationListener liste­ner)
Navigation::removeNavigationListener(NavigationListener liste­ner)
Pre­vious­ly, you could only regi­ster a liste­ner via registerNavigationListener().

Call­back for day-night swit­ching by time of day

If you as a deve­lo­per of your own UI want to deve­lop dif­fe­rent colors depen­ding on the day-night mode of the map­view­er, it is neces­sa­ry to noti­ce when the map­view­er chan­ges it auto­ma­ti­cal­ly.
For this pur­po­se the gene­ral call­back of the Api­Li­ste­ner pro­vi­des two new values:
GeneralCallbackType.NIGHT_MODE -> Set UI to night mode.
GeneralCallbackType.DAY_MODE -> Set UI to day mode

Show hou­se num­bers on the map

Using the Map­Trip SDK, the hou­se num­bers can now be shown and hid­den in the respec­ti­ve map­view­er. For this pur­po­se the­re is the method:
mapviewer.showLayer(“mmHouseNumber” , true)

Cross-plat­form .NET deve­lo­p­ment with Xamarin

The SDK is now also available in a Xama­rin ver­si­on. This allo­ws cross-plat­form appli­ca­ti­ons to be deve­lo­ped for Android and iOS, for example.

Query acti­ve detour file

The SDK now offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to check which detour file is curr­ent­ly acti­ve. Indi­vi­du­al chan­ges to the street maps are stored in a Detour file. The fol­lo­wing pro­per­ties can be chan­ged with Detour, for example:

  • Lock street
  • Unblock street
  • Prio­ri­ti­ze street
  • Avo­id road
  • Truck attri­bu­tes (length, width, height, weight, etc.)
  • and much more…

Way­po­ints label

With the Map­Trip SDK POIs can be dis­play­ed on the map. Sin­ce SDK ver­si­on 9.4 the­se can be dis­play­ed not only with icon, but also with icon and text or only as text.
Each POI can have its own icon and its own text. Addi­tio­nal­ly it is pos­si­ble to defi­ne per POI how the icon is drawn to the geo­gra­phi­cal posi­ti­on; i.e. if it is cen­te­red, left-ali­gned, right-ali­gned etc. (poiA­lignment).

The pic­tu­re shows six (!) POIs:

  • Top left: Icon and text
  • Top cen­ter: Only with icon
  • Top right: Only with text
  • Bot­tom left: With top cen­ter alignment
  • Bot­tom cen­ter: With Cen­ter Alignment
  • Bot­tom right: With Bot­tom-Cen­ter Alignment


Such­funk­ti­on in MapTrip

Many Fol­low­Me users have a lar­ge num­ber of Fol­low­Me rou­tes in their system. The­r­e­fo­re, it has beco­me neces­sa­ry to pro­vi­de a search func­tion for the cor­rect Fol­low­Me route.


In the Fol­low­Me dia­log the­re is now an easy way to search Fol­low­Me rou­tes. The search is done across all Fol­low­Me folders.


Cap­tu­re streets

In the Ser­ver API the­re are now func­tions for cap­tu­ring (for dra­wing) new roads. This func­tion was alre­a­dy available in the Detour edi­tor. It is sui­ta­ble e.g. for the cap­tu­re of new buil­ding are­as or for the dra­wing of paths on com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses.
Tuto­ri­al for cap­tu­ring new roads with the Ser­ver API — click here.

Time-depen­dent locks

The func­tion allo­ws to acti­va­te chan­ges (e.g. a clo­sure or rest­ric­tion to one direc­tion of traf­fic) on roads only in defi­ned time peri­ods, such as

  • next week from Mon­day to Friday
  • every Mon­day from 08:00 to 17:00
  • etc

The fea­ture was pre­vious­ly available in the Detour edi­tor and has now been inte­gra­ted into the Ser­ver API as well.


Run Map­Trip with MDM

Nor­mal­ly, Map­Trip down­loads a new map release auto­ma­ti­cal­ly — after con­fir­ma­ti­on by the device user — if the rele­vant devices have pre­vious­ly been mark­ed for an update in Map­Trip Mana­ger.
Users who mana­ge their devices via Mobi­le Device Manage­ment (MDM) can disable the trig­ge­red map down­load and trans­fer the new map data via MDM or manu­al­ly at a time of their choosing.


For this pur­po­se, the “Update by MDM” switch can be acti­va­ted in the Map­Trip Mana­ger in the APK crea­ti­on. A Map­Trip instal­led in this way allo­ws its own map update manage­ment, e.g. via MDM.

Update Map­Trip easily

In order to install a new ver­si­on of Map­Trip, map data and indi­vi­du­al set­tings files had to be backed up first. After instal­ling the new Map­Trip ver­si­on, the­se had to be copied back to their ori­gi­nal direc­to­ry.
Sin­ce this pro­cess was time-con­sum­ing and error-pro­ne, we have imple­men­ted a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment here. With the new ver­si­on 5.4, the APK can be instal­led imme­dia­te­ly. It is no lon­ger neces­sa­ry to back­up map and user data before­hand. This makes it much easier to use Map­Trip, espe­ci­al­ly with lar­ge fleets of devices. The fol­lo­wing fol­ders are backed up: “user”, “data”, “rou­tes”.

“Was­ser­kar­te” — Water map integration

Users of can import their con­tent (e.g. loca­ti­ons of hydrants) direct­ly into Map­Trip. The hydrants are dis­play­ed on the map, are searcha­ble as POI and can be navi­ga­ted directly.


For the inte­gra­ti­on in Map­Trip a link to an account at is depo­si­ted via the Map­Trip­Ma­na­ger.
To do this, you first regi­ster with


Under “Access keys”->“Create access key”, enter “map­trip” under Notes:


The key crea­ted in this way can then be stored in Map­Trip­Ma­na­ger at the company:


The func­tion­a­li­ty is then acti­va­ted for the devices as a new licen­se option:


In Map­Trip, the recor­ded data are then available as POIs. If the app is instal­led, you can easi­ly switch to the app with a click, whe­re all details of the respec­ti­ve object are displayed.

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