GPEC 2020, Frankfurt

GPEC is the inter­na­tio­nal trade fair for all topics rela­ting to inter­nal secu­ri­ty. We will be exhi­bi­ting again in 2020 and will be demon­st­ra­ting the added value our spe­cial navi­ga­ti­on for emer­gen­cy forces offers com­pared to a stan­dard navi­ga­ti­on system.

You will find us in hall 11, booth B027.


Mes­se Frank­furt am Main
Hall 11, Ent­rance Por­tal­haus
Visi­tor par­king access: Gate (Tor) West
Stra­ße der Natio­nen
60486 Frank­furt am Main

GPEC® 2020 is open as fol­lows:
18 and 19 Febru­ary 2020 from 9 am to 5 pm
20 Febru­ary 2020 from 9 am to 4 pm

Make an appointment!
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