Chan­ge­log Map­Trip 5.8 / SDK 9.8

Decem­ber 2024


What’s new in ver­si­on 5.8 / SDK 9.8?

The most noti­ceable chan­ge in Map­Trip 5.8 is the new tour func­tion. It makes it much easier to plan tours with seve­ral stops manu­al­ly in the app. The order of the stops can be chan­ged quick­ly by hand and desti­na­ti­ons can be mark­ed as rea­ched manu­al­ly. This makes the func­tion much easier and quicker to use in practice.

Many chan­ges in the app are also available in mir­ror image in the SDK. For exam­p­le, we have impro­ved the cal­cu­la­ti­on of delays cau­sed by traf­fic jams and dif­fi­cult tur­ning maneu­vers for lar­ge trucks are bet­ter reco­gnized and avoided.

The Map­Trip Mana­ger has beco­me faster and easier to use.

Fol­low­Me has recei­ved some new func­tions for easier and bet­ter use

Impro­ve­ments in the Map­Trip Truck App

Tour func­tion

The tour func­tion has been exten­si­ve­ly revi­sed and now offers the fol­lo­wing new features:

Map dis­play

Rou­te dis­play: The plan­ned rou­te is now cle­ar­ly dis­play­ed on the map.

Visua­lizati­on of stops: All stops on the tour are dis­play­ed on the map with markers.


Stop List

  • Pro­gress indi­ca­tor: Rea­ched and skip­ped desti­na­ti­ons are visual­ly high­ligh­ted to show the cur­rent sta­tus of the tour.
  • Remai­ning stops with ETA: The esti­ma­ted time of arri­val (ETA) is dis­play­ed for each remai­ning stop.
  • Num­be­red stop list: A num­be­red list of all stops pro­vi­des a clear dis­play of the tour sequence.
  • Dis­play of reached/skipped desti­na­ti­ons: Rea­ched and skip­ped desti­na­ti­ons are cle­ar­ly mark­ed in the stop list.
  • Drag & drop to chan­ge the order: The order of the stops can now be fle­xi­bly adju­sted using drag & drop.
  • Swi­pe left: Manu­al­ly mark a desti­na­ti­on as reached.
  • Swi­pe to the right: Dele­te a desti­na­ti­on or mark it as skipped.
  • Auto­ma­tic saving: Saved tours are now auto­ma­ti­cal­ly updated befo­re the start of rou­te gui­dance to save changes.

The­se impro­ve­ments offer a more intui­ti­ve and effi­ci­ent navi­ga­ti­on during the tour.

Access to tour list via map


To make the revi­sed tour menu more acce­s­si­ble, a short­cut has been added via the info wid­get in Com­pa­n­ion Map.

Chan­ge of stan­dard truck profile

The stan­dard truck over­land pro­fi­le was chan­ged to a weight of 12 tons and 3 axles. Of cour­se, the pro­fi­le can still be adju­sted direct­ly in Map­Trip to the spe­ci­fic values of the respec­ti­ve truck.

Search fea­ture for favorites

You can now search for the name of favo­ri­tes in the app. Some users mana­ge e.g. cus­to­mers and other desti­na­ti­ons in the favo­ri­tes and had trou­ble fin­ding the right ent­ry in the list. Now you can enter the name you are loo­king for and find it imme­dia­te­ly in the list.


Clea­rer map layout

The map lay­out has been made clearer.


Avo­i­ding U‑turns for long trucks

Pro­ble­ma­tic tur­ning maneu­vers are bet­ter detec­ted and avo­ided depen­ding on the vehic­le length.


Three con­se­cu­ti­ve road sec­tions are con­side­red when cal­cu­la­ting the rou­te. If the­se would lead to a U‑turn in total and the midd­le sec­tion is shorter than the trans­fer­red vehic­le length, the tur­ning maneu­ver that would com­ple­te the U‑turn is avoided.

The chan­ge is available in the Map­Trip App, SDK and Ser­ver API.

More pre­cise cal­cu­la­ti­on of delay due to congestion


The cal­cu­la­ti­on of delays cau­sed by traf­fic jams and gene­ral­ly hea­vy traf­fic on the rou­te is now more precise.

Map­Trip inter­face MTI 9.8.0

Manu­al­ly mark desti­na­ti­on as reached

In rea­li­ty on the road, dri­vers do not always dri­ve to the desti­na­ti­on whe­re the navi­ga­ti­on system reco­gnizes that the desti­na­ti­on has been rea­ched. It can the­r­e­fo­re be hel­pful if the dri­ver can then manu­al­ly mark the desti­na­ti­on as rea­ched. The­re is now a cor­re­spon­ding desti­na­ti­on­Re­a­ched call­back in MTI so that con­nec­ted apps also know this.

Reduc­tion in size of the MTI library

For some cus­to­mers, a small app size is extre­me­ly important (e.g. to dis­tri­bu­te the app over mobi­le net­works and mini­mi­ze data trans­fer costs). To sup­port this, we have redu­ced the size of the MTI libra­ry from ~2MB to 1.5MB. The libra­ry still con­ta­ins nati­ve code for x86 platforms.

The size can be fur­ther redu­ced to ~500kB if you actively rest­rict your app to ARM platforms.


Dis­play of gene­ral truck closures


Many city cen­ters are almost com­ple­te­ly clo­sed to trucks with gene­ral bans on truck traf­fic. Instead, roads are pro­vi­ded with a 7.5 t rest­ric­tion, for example.

The­se so-cal­led “soft” truck rest­ric­tions are not nor­mal­ly dis­play­ed in the Detour Edi­tor for bet­ter cla­ri­ty. In the cur­rent ver­si­on, howe­ver, they can be swit­ched on again in the opti­ons and are dis­play­ed pale (slight­ly trans­pa­rent) as shown in the image. Phy­si­cal­ly exi­sting “hard” rest­ric­tions (e.g. a bridge height) are dis­play­ed wit­hout transparency.

This makes it easier to fol­low under­stand why a truck rou­te avo­ids cer­tain areas.


Colo­ring the route

Fol­low­Me allo­ws you to color the rou­te in sec­tions in order to mark indi­vi­du­al sec­tions of the route.


Pre­vious­ly, the “Colo­ri­ze roads start / stop” events only affec­ted the rou­te on the navi­ga­ti­on device. The rou­te in the Fol­low­Me edi­tor was still only dis­play­ed in the stan­dard pur­ple color. Now the rou­tes in the edi­tor are also colo­red when a road colo­ring event is set.

Las­so tool for sel­ec­ting points

The las­so tool makes it easy to sel­ect a group of GPS points (e.g. to dele­te or move them).


The but­ton on the far left acti­va­tes the new “Las­so sel­ec­tion”. After acti­vat­ing, hold down “Ctrl” to draw.


All points within the colo­ring are sel­ec­ted when “Ctrl” is released.

Com­bi­ning seve­ral tracks into one Fol­low­Me route

This func­tion can be used to com­bi­ne seve­ral tracks into a Fol­low­Me rou­te. Pre­vious­ly, the Shift key was used to mark points indi­vi­du­al­ly. This has been chan­ged to a “From point A to point B” func­tion, as you are used to when mar­king texts or files. A short­cut has been added to sel­ect all points of a track:


The “Sel­ect all items” opti­on can now be sel­ec­ted by right-clicking on an item from a track. The “Copy item(s)” opti­on saves all sel­ec­ted items tem­po­r­a­ri­ly. The “Insert item(s)” opti­on inserts all cached items after the sel­ec­ted item. This can be the same track or a dif­fe­rent track.

A new short­cut has been added if seve­ral tracks are being edi­ted at the same time:


The enti­re track is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly copied via the copy sym­bol and can be pasted any­whe­re via “Paste item(s)”.

Map­Trip Manager 

Per­for­mance improvement

The Map­Trip Mana­ger is easier to use. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly noti­ceable with a lar­ge num­ber of mana­ged devices.

Reu­sing licences 

The dia­log has been impro­ved for easier use and clarity.

Impro­ved device overview

More infor­ma­ti­on is now available in the device overview:


Down­load device list as Excel file 

The mana­ged devices can be down­loa­ded as an Excel file.


Map coun­try coverage

Western and Eastern Euro­pe are now also available as sel­ec­ta­ble coun­try groups


Dele­te device groups 

It is now pos­si­ble to dele­te a device group.
